Very, very few authors are guaranteed a publisher’s acceptance of their work. Those authors have spent years, even decades, proving they can write bestselling, or at least profitable, books with almost no misses. And if they have a string of misses, their publishers may drop them. They must. No matter how much a publisher likes an author, books must make money; or the publisher will be forced to go out of business.
A literary agent can get behind a book and love the project. The agent may adore working with the author and believe the author deserves to be published. In fact, this is how an agent should feel about an author and project before taking them out into the big, wide world.
Even then, agents can’t guarantee the industry will agree with their assessment. Sometimes books that should be published, well, aren’t. Sometimes, there’s a downward market trend for the type of book the author is writing. Sometimes, the publisher just signed another author writing in that space. Sometimes, a committee member doesn’t like the project and has enough influence to make it tank. None of this is in the author or agent’s control. We can be grateful we’re Christians, knowing God is in control.
While acceptance is not guaranteed, I can guarantee you won’t be published if:
You don’t send us your work.
If your proposal never makes it to our inbox, how will we know you’re a great writer deserving of publication?
We won’t.
Yes, it’s tough to approach an agent. The chances of rejection are high since sometimes agents don’t have room at the inn, either. Sometimes, agents are aware of market fluctuations that authors aren’t. Sometimes, agents don’t connect with your work.
Keep trying.
If an agent sends you helpful feedback, consider it. Like editors, agents don’t have time to leave doors open. Agents don’t have time to give authors busy work. If you feel encouraged, keep in touch.
Send us your work.
If you don’t ask then you won’t get,
or so some dude once said,
but lots of folks don’t dig it yet
and knock hope on the head
by figuring, ‘Why should I try?
Just gonna get a NO,
so I’ll get on by getting by
and let ambition go.’
And yeah, sure, you can live that way
in a dim-lit room
with the walls all painted gray,
so fitting for a tomb
in which your very, very best
is consigned to dusty rest.
I think it’s really cool how you create poetry like this. 🙂 🙂 All the best, Jeannie
Jeannie, thank you so much!
Tamela, thank you so much for your article, A Guaranteed Rejection. I am a new novelist and will keep on keeping on. I have written a Historical Western Romance of 1893, with 82,000 w0rds. It is a clean read and honors our Savior Jesus.
Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou will find it after many days. Ecclesiastes 11-1.
Thank you for this. I’m still working on my book, but I will send it to you when I’m finished.
There’s more to publishing a book than many people realize. The key is to keep learning, writing, and submitting. Rejections are a part of the process, so don’t give up.
Thanks Tamela, you’re the best! I will be sending you my book, maybe late summer?
Oh wow, this is such a great reminder. My mentors often remind us that the only way to fail is to quit. Thank you for the encouragement, Tamela.
I needed these words of encouragement today.
Though this post was a little depressing, it also contained encouragement. Who doesn’t need support from time to time? Thank you!!!
As a children’s book author, I have the least chance of getting accepted by agents and editors. But that’s who I am, so I keep writing and keep going to conferences. You never know when God will connect you with someone! 🙂
Thanks, Tamela. Wise words. If you never try, you fail. If you never submit, you’ll never be accepted/published. So thankful God is in control in all this. I can’t imagine the number of submissions you receive, and the heart and thought that must go into a decision “yay” or “nay.” God bless you and the team as you make these choices. I’m still working on my novel!
I’m trying! I’m trying. It’s in the pile.
Thank you for the encouragement. You always offer such kind and encouraging words.
Definitely needed this today! Waiting to hear back from a publisher on my own book and this is such a comforting reminder.