This hilarious video is the perfect illustration of the writer’s life!
Thanks to Trissina Kear (our daughter) for the tip!
This hilarious video is the perfect illustration of the writer’s life!
Thanks to Trissina Kear (our daughter) for the tip!
An epic exploration of airline safety, via Middle Earth!
Funny how certain plots seem familiar to each other. Today’s video reveals the secret!
The headline isn’t exactly correct, but it is the implication of the new book subscription services being offered. The three biggest are Amazon Unlimited, Scribd, and Oyster. If you are unfamiliar with them, now is the time to do a little digging. In fact, after you’ve read this post, pick one and sign up for the 30 day trial and see for yourself. Each offers the reader unlimited reading access to …
Email can be a challenge during a busy day. Do you have any hilarious examples you can share? Watch the video and then forward it to all 4,000 people in your address book, but use an open cc when you do it. It will make everyone feel special.
We have all just returned from the ACFW conference in St. Louis where is “all fiction all the time.” It is a wonderful and unique experience to have over 600 novelists in one building all “making stuff up.” Every agent from our agency was there. And we had nearly 40 of our clients in attendance. I taught two classes (one co-taught with Tamela and another on contracts with …
Did you know that cats really do talk like this? But only when humans are not around to hear them. It’s true. I saw it on the Internet. Thanks to my daughter Fiona for showing me this one!
A Sign Language interpretation of the hit song “Happy.” Created and produced by deaf campers at the 2014 Deaf Film Camp in New York. The camp is dedicated to deaf and hard-of-hearing teens with an interest in filmmaking. This video should indeed make you feel “happy.”
Today is the 33rd wedding anniversary of my wife and I. The comic below is perfect to mark the occasion. Happy Anniversary Lisa! [click through for a larger picture]
Two agents at conference. Along comes a writer! {Create your own caption below!}