NewsCorp Tells HarperCollins to have Thomas Nelson Publishers Sell The Satanic Bible
Since Thomas Nelson is the world’s largest publisher of Bibles, their ownership decided it would be a good idea to have them diversify the types of Bibles they produce. Publication date for The Satanic Bible is set for October 31, 2019.
NewsCorp Director, Cashme Aut, said, “Our global community is just that. Global. We must acknowledge the diversity of beliefs in our world.” Rumor has it they will also add an Atheist Bible in the Fall, complete with 2,400 blank pages.
Happy April Fool’s Day!
Oh my goodness. You got me. In this day and age I am glad this is an April Fools joke!
If this is true I pray to God they go out of business. I’m sorry but light and dark cannot walk together!
Wait a minute. That’s not a funny April Fools joke!
How disturbing is it that I believed such a thing was even possible? Smh~
Me too…sigh…only heaven knows. But God will keep us standing strong in Him until we meet him face to face.
HA! I knew you were April Fooling us when I saw the link on FB, so of course, I had to stop by and see what it was. 😉
OMGoodness I can’t believe I fell for it!
I was “fooled” until I read about the atheist bible (and yes, it would be filled with blank pages). And I KNEW it was April Fool’s Day. Thanks for the laugh (and so glad Thomas Nelson doesn’t have to go thru this)
Me too!
Awww, geez!! My heart! I was ready to fight??. Way to get my heart rate up at 8 o’clock in the morning. Thanks for the chuckle.
Correction 😉
Oh, that is so bad, but a great April Fool’s Day joke!
You totally got me on that one! ?
Bad to the bone!!
Good one.
LOL. You’re going to burn in heck for that one…
Get your Mr. T memes ready folks. It’s going to be a long day.
Sorry. I don’t think it’s a funny April Fool’s joke. Not in this day and age.
I originally thought this too. Let the Holy Spirit heal the wound & give him permission to change your perspective as He quickly did with me. I’m your sister & Steve’s our brother. We all have the same loving Father. Families that stick together stay together. And there really is great relief in knowing this has yet to reach our horizons. But when it does, as the Word confirms it will, God will sustain us until we meet Him face to face.
There is not a wound to be healed. I believe, however, that turning a Satanic bible into a joke is just not appropriate. The evil one is no laughing matter.
This is very bad taste indeed. April fool’s day is not for serious Followers. Would our Lord -or any other Biblical Personality- be part of this? In light of all the immense problems the world faces today, we should make no fun with the enemy. Sorry to write, but many comments show how shallow a mentality prevails. I am very disappointed. Elaine you are courageous.
Okay … well done! You got me. I read the first paragraph, thought “That’s asinine!” read it again, and then continued on to the “gotcha!”
Very well played, brother!
You had me all Luke Skywalker. “NOOOOOoooooo…”
YOU ARE BAD!!!! But, it was a good joke. But so believable in the current climate. You got me, Steve Laube!
Lol too good!
GAH!!! I bought right in. That’s what I get for reading your blog before my first cup of coffee!
Happy April Fools Day, indeed!
Oh, you got me — big time! I was getting really angry! Thank goodness it was only a joke. ?
I wake up, thumb through Facebook and email, gasped when I read your title, start reading aloud to my husband. I can’t believe you got me first thing in the morning. ?
I was about to grab my torch and pitchfork. I forgot what day it was. Good one!!
I hope your Atheists’s Bible has an editorial board composed of media elite’s. Yeah, I fell for it, too.
Today I woke to who I was;
it’s time for a new cup.
First, I’ll go off the booze
and turn to 7-Up.
Next, cigars have got to go,
and therein lies a tale
but I would like you to know
that I did not inhale.
Fast cars and women will be hard;
I’ll miss them deep inside
but I have a biggish yard;
there one or two I can hide…
Some days just bring out my worst,
especially April The First.
Fun. I read it a second time and caught the Halloween reference. And the Cashme Aut. Ha! People are funny.
Right. 2,400 blank pages. They wouldn’t need an editorial board at all, would they! Or even writers or beta readers or . . . marketing and publicity? What in the world would you say to advertise a blank book?
It was totally believable until the 2400 blank pages. Great one, Steve!
Had me going there.
Okay, you got me on that one. By the way, your shoe’s untied.
I love humor… glad I read all the way to the end.
You had be going there. I was envisioning a month long fast until I got to the end. Thanks for the laugh.
Steve, you really had me going there, for a minute.
LOL! How gullible am I?
This is outrageous! Disgusting. Thanks for sharing this news.
I hurt inside, all the way to “gotcha”.
Thankfully I scrolled down to see the April Fools message. I was getting ready to call my pastor and share the horrible news. Now I wait for my blood pressure to go down. I don’t know if that was the best or the worst April Fools joke I’ve heard. Jeez Louise!!
Doh! Okay… good one.
I did not find that amusing. Fake news. Sad.
Naughty, naughty. But I did smile.
I don’t know that I’ve ever before been so relieved to see “April Fool!” at the end of a message. Okay, I’m laughing, but you really got me. Considering what’s happening in my church denomination, it sounds too true!
Yup. Got me, too. Cashme Aut, Halloween publication date, blank pages… Unfortunately, it’s not far from being plausible… Thanks for the laugh!
hook, line, and sinker, I fell for it.
Ya got me! 😉 But remember the days when that would seem like the stupidest idea for a practical joke because no one would possibly fall for it? I miss those days. 😉
Ha ha!
My heart plummeted to my feet. SO glad it was just an April Fool’s joke. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! 😉
I fell for it! So relieved it was a joke, because it’s not that far of a stretch these days 🙁
Steve, for what it may be worth, I thought this was the best April Fool’s Joke I have yet seen.
First, it was funny, once one realised the jibe.
Second, it carried a sting in the tail; we cannot be oblivious to that which the secular wolrd is trying to force.
In my home state of New Mexico, there is legislation pending (that the new governor WILL sign) that will criminalise a doctor’s conscience-based refusal to perform abortion at birth.
Only if we see the writing on the wall, and especially through humour, can we fight effectively.
Well said!! Heartbreaking about the abortion issue in NM.
Ok my blood pressure may have climbed when I read this! With so much bad news in the media it was easy to believe. Did you stay in the principal’s office in elementary school? ?
Almost had me…Cashme Aut was the first clue I noticed when I read the blog out loud to Hubby
LOL, you got me, and it’s not even April 1st.
Hahaha…you have a wit about you, you do!