This simply made me laugh. Ever had a roommate like this in school?
Watch is a second time and look at the others in the room!
Enjoy “Finals Week at the Naval Academy.”
Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays – May 10, 2013
Happy Mother's Day!
For Mothers around the world who taught their children the love of books. Like mine.
I love you Mom.
But I promise NOT to buy you an e-reader.
Fun Fridays – May 3, 2013
Tim Hawkins is one of our family's favorite comedians. We have watch all of his DVDs multiple times. This particular two minute sketch is the perfect cautionary tale for the author who wants to do a book signing someday.
Fun Fridays – April 26, 2013
"The Last Bookshop"
This short film is delightful. It is 20 minutes long, but if you view the first five minutes I think you might be hooked into watching the whole thing.
I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about this in the comments below.
On YouTube the creator of the film actually responds to comments and questions made by viewers! So very rare to see that.
Fun Fridays – April 5, 2013
A vivid illustration of the life of a writer...
Fun Fridays – March 15, 2013
A visual demonstration of what a multi-tasking agent seems to do every day.
And then someone comes along and yanks all support.
Fun Fridays – March 8, 2013
The "feel good" story of the month.
I want to go to this place for lunch!
Fun Fridays – March 1, 2013
I want to feel like this when I wake up!
This is an illustration of what it is like to get that phone call offering you your first book contract.
Fun Fridays – Feb. 22, 2013
Have you ever had a similar, but virtual, experience while buying something online?
Very clever two minutes:
HT: Kim Moore