While the music on this video is amazing, it has a very fun feature. The best tambourine player in the world! After awhile I couldn’t help but smile and then laugh. Hope he brightens your day.
Question: If this video is a metaphor of the publishing life and the author is the main singer, then who is the tambourine player? The editor? The agent? The marketing director? The reader? Feel free to cast your vote in the comments below.
HT: Kim Moore
My vote is that the tamborine player is how we hope our readers respond to our novels. I LOVE his enthusiasm.
Your best reader-fan!
I think the delightful tambourine player is one of those quirky minor characters who will one day star in his own book.
I don’t really care who he is. Tell the singer to move over and put this guy center stage!
But if I had to pick a role, I’d say the reviewers on Amazon.
Need to put him with Kevin and the boys of Disciple. He’d fit right in.
Could he be my publicist?
What I found hilarious is the way the gentleman sitting at the drums is borderline stoic – completely unphased by the routine unfolding right in front of him.
Just another day at the office…
I think he’s our mothers,, cheering us on from the wings, moving to the beat of our song, adding to our show, and sometimes, frankly, embarrassing us with her enthusiasm. Thanks for the smile 🙂
(Sitting here laughing) Oh Lori, I so agree, you nailed it! That’s my Mom, my head cheerleader, ha.
He’s my agent, passionately promoting my book!
Maybe he’s the immature, pure joy, love to write author BEFORE going through the publishing process.
So maybe we should remember that joy. 🙂
Hahaha!! The tambourine player is definitely Tamela when I land my first book contract!! I’ll be right there with her! Too funny!!
Tambourine Guy is the muse, the spirit, the inspiration that brings forth our work. The rest of them are performing. He is so overflowing with ideas that he can’t contain himself. I do my best writing when I’m filled with that joy. Granted, it can be hard to settle down and get the words on paper…
Classic! It reminds me of the ancient Monkey videos, where sometimes one of them would be tambourining away madly, but, gee, nothing on the sound track?
In the publishing world? Maybe those occasional Amazon reviewers who are so enamoured of their own elucidative brilliance that the details of the book they’re reviewing somehow fall by the wayside?
Tambourine guy is me-the writer. When I keep on doing what I love-writing my story- despite set-backs, inadequacies, discouragements and rejections. Watching him play his tambourine with wild abandon, I’m reminded what drew me to write and reminded not to give up. What a fun picture!!! Thanks. Smiling.
I vote for editor, for the tambourine player wants to upstage the singer (writer).
He could be the critique group, enthusiastically encouraging us to write.
This is the BEST video! Thank you for the uplift!
I can’t even begin to guess on the roles, as I’m re-writing my first book now. In fact, I’m in the middle of, “The First 5 Pages”, a recommendation that came from Steve’s post, but I hope you will reveal the winners. That would be fun to see. Whoever fills the role of the tambourine guy, I definitely want him/her.
I love all the emails I get from this agency. The information is so helpful, beyond any I’ve seen. Thank you again. Fun Friday it is!
This was a reader that I met at an author event at a library, where I sold MAYBE five books. But this one reader? She brought her book to be signed, told me about keeping her work-mates apprised on my characters’ actions and celebrated when they FINALLY kissed! LOL! One of the more joyful moments as an author!
That is also the author expressing sheer joy and celebration at getting through all the rounds of edits and finally getting published!
The tambourine player? Hands down, the agent we all want. The singer may be singing the song but the tambourine player is SELLING it – with enthusiasm!
Love this! I see that Lori Hatcher already gave my answer, but I immediately thought “MOTHER,” as in “My mother edited this for me and she’s sure it’s a New York Times bestseller.”
The writer – playing that tambourine like nobody’s watching, just for the pure love of it!
I just want a fraction of his energy.
That’s so hilarious! I love his enthusiasm–totally steals the show. So, if I were the main singer as the author, who would I want him to be?? Probably the super fan, the gusher, the one who shares and shares and comments and follows on every social media. They’re the real star anyway. 🙂
The tambourine player could represent absolutely anyone in the publish industry. He represents that person who loves what they do so much they would probably be willing to pay to be exactly where they are and doing what they do.
Craig Curtis said it, and that tambourine player could be anyone in the industry, but he makes you want to watch, listen and join in. There is no substitute for an agent who draws attention to your work, and to everyone around them it’s clear they love doing that for their people.
So enjoy this video! The tambourine player could be anyone in the publishing chain who loves their job. But, If I am the singer, the tambourine player is my CRITIQUE GROUP! Each member does their “job” well and joyfully encourages and celebrates any success one of us achieves.
Could also represent my inner child who rocks out while the adult attends to the business as a pro. Thanks Steve!