This simply made me smile. Extremely clever.
And these Canadians aren’t afraid to say “Merry Christmas!”
Fun Fridays – December 13, 2013
This simply made me smile. Extremely clever.
And these Canadians aren’t afraid to say “Merry Christmas!”
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Oh my goodness! Wow! What a wonderful Christmas video. All that’s good about our country and our people. Thank you for sharing.
Steve, it made me smile and cry happy tears! What a heartwarming, wonderful thing to do. And I’ll bet those “elves” had the most fun of all!
I’m not crying…I just got something in my eye.
This had me searching for the Kleenex box. Loved it. The bloopers reel was cute, too.
Johnnie, I watched the bloopers too and think that Santa has been gifted with a quick wit.
This clip reminded me of the hit Christmas food court flash mob of the Halleluiah chorus. Thanks for the smile today!
The Hallelujah flash mob is classic. Thanks for the link, JD. (P.S. I write my initials as lower cap jd. Cause I’m short. )
I love this! And I love that it’s a small airline with a huge heart.
Loved it, Steve. Made me smile and get tears at the same time. Thank you!
This made me cry, too. Yeah for WestJet! It’s my favourite airline up here in Canada, and my allegiance just grew stronger.
Makes me proud to be Canadian!
For those interested, here is another amazing (short!) vid by a provincial premier who is shamelessly using his platform to give a Christmas message of hope:
It just warms my heart and gives me faith that God has His hand on political leaders–even in Canada, which so strives to be “neutral” and “inclusive” that it has shut many Christians up.
So heart warming, Steve. I had to share it with my family. Thanks so much.
I’m not sure why, but this made me cry.
Incredible! (I won’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen the video!)
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