I love Henri the Cat. (aka “the existential cat.”)
Enjoy his most recent adventure “Cat Littérature.”
and one of our favorites:
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Roflol, I only just heard of Henri because of the fun following Muse is getting on my facebook profile. I’ll have to look for more.
Loved this! I cannot wait to show this to my daughter who studied in France and is an avid “cat-person” (like her Mom, LOL). 😉 Thank you for the Friday smiles. 🙂
Poor Henri. He’s in such turmoil. Such is the life of a true artist.
J’en suis désolée, Henri, que vous êtes si triste. Je vous souhaite de beaux rêves…et beaucoup de poissons.
Google Translate says:
“I’m sorry, Henry, you are so sad. I wish you sweet dreams … and lots of fish.”
Ignore them Henri. Your adoring fan club awaits.