What is Your Favorite Candy?
Need a break from a tough week? Play the Candy Smackdown game. Then tell us both your final four and your ultimate winner in the comments below.
In case you are wondering, last year’s overall winner “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup” has been retired from the competition (placed in the Candy Hall of Fame) to insure there are no repeat winners.
Either click the picture below or go to this link for the larger PDF file: 2011 candy-smackdown-bracket
from the Arizona Republic newspaper website: AZCentral.com
Oooo Fun!
I’m gonna have to go with MnMs, Kit Kat [it would be Twix, but it’s PB Twix and no one means those when they just say Twix], Jr . Mints and 3 Musketeers with MnMs winning out.
Of course, PB MnMs would win but they weren’t on there…
The final four will be: Krackel, Heath, Snickers, and Almond Joy. Krackel will take top honors.
Final four – Snickers, Hershey Kisses, Butterfinger, and M & M’s with Snickers taking the top.
Final Four: Peanut M&Ms, Snickers, Junior Mints, Hershey’s Kisses. Snickers wins.
If Scharffen Berger chocolate were competing, there would be no contest!
I probably need to sample my candy choices before I decide.
Final Four:
Red Vines
Life Savers
(narrowly beating my favorite last year of York Peppermint Patties)
The problem is that my actual favorite is not included in the mix.
Note how folks tastes differ? Isn’t that incredible? A lot like our writing. What is a Krackle to one person is a Smarties to another!
Final 4: Twizzlers, 100 Grand, Heath, and Milky Way. If I had those 4 sitting in front of my right now, I’d pick the 100 grand, so that’s my winner.
I don’t have any of those in my kitchen, But I have smarties and skittles. So skittles wins tonight because how can I comment about candy and not eat any???
Final Four: Reeses Pieces, Snickers, Heath, Milky Way – Reeses Pieces take the prize because I can dole them out one or two at a time, get my chocolate/peanut fix in little dribs and drabs, and not blow the entire calorie count in one bite.