With the basketball season starting up around the country, I couldn’t resist showing this video of inspiring sportsmanship.
May we all treat one another the way we would like to be treated.
(If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
I’m crying . . .
Shirlee, pass me a tissue.
Brings tears.
My eyes are leaking.
Crying here
Ahhhhh! You made me cry! We have a dear friend who has has similar experiences with sports. Such a beautiful thing!!!
Oh, the tears are flowing. What a wonderful reminder that there are still a lot of great kids out there who are doing the right thing. And a lot of great coaches who are modeling the right thing for the next generation. Go Mitchell! Go Coach! Go Jonathon!
That was so classy. I love it when things like this happen and are reported.
It’s always good to start my Friday morning with a few tears. Loved this!
This is the way life should be played. Sniff, sniff 😢.
So wonderful. Starting my day with tears, for this reason, is not the worst thing. Thank you for sharing these Fun Fridays. They are always enjoyable or touching. God bless.
That made me cry! What an incredible person #23 on the other team is and the coach and his players also who assisted in trying to get Mitchel a basket! They all worked together for Mitchel’s sake! Essentially, they all made the basket and won–even the “losing” team.
Pass the tissues this way, please. I love to see stories like this.
How wonderful that students care for the other person and not their glory. The young man gave credit to his parents and family is another sign that his heart as well as his brain work together.
That is one of THE sweetest things I’ve ever viewed….I have goosebumps and tears. God bless that precious young man and ALL the players who joined in for him.
Thank you for sharing this reminder that there’s still a lot of goodness in this world.
THAT was outstanding. Thanks for sharing.
Such a touching story. Thank you for sharing.
Wow, WOW WOW!!! It’s amazing that people can be so kind. But it’s sad that it’s amazing. If only we could all live like that every day.
I need a tissue now, because I can hardly see my keyboard thru all my tears. Thanks for posting this.
I love Steve Hartman’s segments for CBS News and this one is especially poignant. What a joy to see so many people vested in this young man’s happiness and feelings of worth.
Boy, tissues are needed in my house right now! How amazing!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Words fail me.
I love Fun Fridays! Thank you for this post.😭
Crying here, too. So terrific to see teens caring for one another in that way- and so refreshing to see coverage of “good” news!
This was fantastic and tear-provoking. This was worth the thumbs up and a really resounding comment. Thank you, Steve, for sharing this.
I’m glad I visited the website to see the video, but I wasn’t expecting to cry. That was beautiful. If there were more people like #22, this world would be a much better place.