(Phoenix, Arizona) Steve Laube, founder of the Steve Laube Agency announced today that the agency has signed Saul of Tarsus to write in various Christian book categories starting with his debut release in Fall 2014.
Saul will be writing under the pen name of Paul, a name with special meaning to the author, given him after a dramatic personal experience several years ago while on an international trip to Syria.
“I am very pleased with this signing because of the breadth of works that Saul (Paul) will be able to create. From travel guides to church planting, we will have a wide variety of proposals available to Christian publishers for the next several years,” noted Steve Laube.
Concerns about Paul as an author has been expressed from a number of people. Because of his past incarceration, accusations that he damaged a prison during an escape (he was never charged), and his civil disobedience activity while preaching, have combined to make Paul a bit of a concern to some publishers.
Acknowledging a challenge for the agency, Laube said, “Honestly, a problem with Paul has been his travel schedule, which keeps him busy for years at a time. We are hoping with a renewed commitment to writing that we will see some amazing work coming from him. If we can just keep him out of boats for a while, we should be able to meet manuscript deadlines.”
Proposals for the first three titles by Paul are being developed and will soon be available for consideration by publishers. They are:
Be Careful What You Pray For: Earthquakes, Conversions and More
I Kissed Sailing Goodbye: What the Rocks Near Malta Taught Me
God is Smarter Than Me: A Look Back at Decades in Ministry
In addition, a short impulse gift book is under development titled, First Corinthians 13: Good for More than Weddings.
For information on Saul (Paul) and any other Steve Laube Agency author, call the office at 1-555-APRILFOOL.
Heard that he’s pretty wordy, but the content is killer. Sign me up for an advance copy. 🙂
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I love reading posts like this because it shows what fun we can have when we look at an idea from a different angle. I’m sure Saul is laughing just as much as I did as I read the post. Thanks, Dan, for putting a smile on my face and some laughter into my day.
So what’s this guy’s background? I hear he’s had a strong anti-christian bias in the past. Do you think that will affect his world view or has he made some kind of turn-around?
This is why some publishers are hesitant. His background is checkered at best. Really shoots his credibility in the minds of some. Just another challenge for the agency to overcome.
Loved this, Dan. My favorite title was, “I Kissed Sailing Goodbye.” Well played. 🙂
Very cute for today. And, no mess to clean up. Ha.
Excellent! Love those not-so-subtle publishing truths sprinkled amongst the smiles.
Nice to start the day with a laugh. So much classier than the typical April Fool’s prank.
Good one, Dan. I was wondering where you were going with it. I forgot what the date was! Ya got me.
Love it!
So much for Straight Street. Forget the straight face, too. And yeah, good move to keep Paul out of boats. (Maybe he’ll figure out a magical way to walk on water.)
Steve, I love this post! It’s a bright spot in my day.
I heard Moses was considering signing, too. He has a little different spin on things.
And the strangest thing, Moses looks exactly like Charlton Heston!
Dan. Just what I needed for today. I laughed and then I laughed some more. The timing was perfect. Can you try to get Saul to teach one of those writing workshops or better yet work an entire writing conference around him. All ye of checkered pasts invited.
As a former colleague of Mssr. Tarsus let me be the first to congratulate you on the signing. Saul-Paul, or just P-Daddy to his friends, is a tireless multi-talent and inventive gospel marketeer. He will need lots of tech support though and a patient hand when he goes off on one of his frequent tirades against the law and order crowd.
Yours Truly
In Christ
Brother D.G.