If you blog or post regularly, you know the challenge of coming up with new and fresh content. One idea might be to take advantage of NationalDayCalendar.com. This fun website has indexed over 1,500 national days, national weeks, and national months. Use this to find fun things you can write about!
Today is National Waffle Iron Day (no kidding!). Did you know the first patent for a waffle iron was submitted in 1869? Or that in 1918 (102 years ago) General Electric made the first electric waffle iron available to the public? You do now. That means you have to make waffles today in celebration!
Yesterday was National Alaska Day. Since I was born in Alaska, I found this one quite fun. Few realize how large Alaska is. If you cut the state in half, Texas would become the third largest state. It literally stretches the distance from California to Florida if you superimposed Alaska’s map on top of the contiguous 48 states.
Those of you who are romance writers should note that July 6 is International Kissing Day. I suspect you have a book that might be appropriate to promote this Monday.
See how easy it is to find things you can use to tie to your brand and your books?
Look up your birthday, and see what’s special about it. Find another day like an anniversary, a child’s birthday, or the day you signed your first book contract.
Can’t wait to see what you all can come up with!
Thanks, I was planning to do a search to see if such a calendar existed to get some ideas for my book launch month. You saved me the trouble. ?
You can even buy their wall calendar to view entire months at a glance.
Angela, you can subscribe to their email and get the Days each day in your inbox. Here’s the link to their site. Enjoy!
Steve, I recall seeing a calendar when I was a child, that said my birthday was the same day the Panama Canal opened. Not too glamorous, but I think it might be a conversation starter anyway.
Thanks for your ideas. You people are always so gracious to share knowledge with the rest of us who are learning.
May not be glamorous, but it is interesting!
LOL This year, I share my birthdate, July 25, with NATIONAL GET GNARLY DAY.
“The last Friday in July provides an opportunity to embrace new ideas and toss out old ways on National Get Gnarly Day.
The word “Gnarly” gets a bad rap. It can mean “bad” or “dangerous” but can also be exciting. Surfers often use the term to describe the waves they tackle. Much like surfers challenging the waves, Get Gnarly Day challenges us to put some gnarliness into everything we do.”
It’s a good idea, if you ask me. Readers need something new to keep them involved in the story. With each chapter I write, I try to do that.
Years ago, I started my monthly newsletter, Novel Thoughts. Days to celebrate has been a section in the newsletter almost from the beginning. So far, I’ve used the Wacky Holiday site, but I’m adding this one to my list of references. Thanks, Steve.
Did not know about the Wacky Holiday site. Great tip!
I share my birthday with:
National Eyewear Day
National Higher Education Day
National Gardening Exercise Day
National Yo-Yo Day
National Drive In Movie Day
National Applesauce Cake Day
So…this means I have to play with a yo-yo with eating applesauce cake during a drive-in movie while wearing my glasses…but the movie has to be educational and about Gardening.
Whew. I’m exhausted just thinking about it.
Thanks for the idea and inspiration Steve.
I just posted a blog on National Camera Day!
That’s one more I owe you. Add it to the long list.
Glad to help!
I checked my birthday, November 23, and discovered it’s National Fibonacci Day. My favorite number series! I have known for a long time that the first four digits of my birthday (1123) are the first four of the series. And the Fibonacci series plays an important part in my mystery novel.
You made my day!
So fun! I actually made waffles last night, so I’m all good! And that is so amazing about Alaska. I knew it was large … but wow!
For some fun facts, visit this site about the size of Alaska: https://www.alaska.org/how-big-is-alaska/texas
I subscribe to the Calendar and get the “Days” every day in my inbox. On my blog, just for fun, I have Foodie Friday because one of my favorite things to do is putter in the kitchen. Whenever something about chocolate comes up, I just HAVE to post something about that. On National Cookie Day, I post my famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe.
I’m pleased to say, my followers ‘like’ my Foodie posts almost as much as the faith-based posts. I also regularly use the Days on my Facebook page and try to include trivia. It helps to keep things light. I guess you could say I agree that any National Day could be a writing prompt. Thanks, Steve.
Well, that’ll teach me not to open my emails the day they arrive! I was eating waffles on National Waffle Iron Day and missed the chance to hype it on social media. Thanks for the great ideas you keep pumping out, Steve. (Another reason to open your emails right away.)