A $30 iPad…for kids? – take a look at the new anaPad. Have to admire the entrepreneur, even when the idea seems a little odd.
Twitter Profile Mistakes – Excellent advice for writers who tweet.
Andrew Wylie in the Wall Street Journal Magazine – See what this uberagent has to say about the future of publishing. Especially note his thoughts on the global market.
Would James Joyce have used an iPad? – An interesting look at a “classic” writer and what tools he might have used today.
Top Ten Misused English Words – A great list. Any words you would add? (Calvary vs. Cavalry…)
Take a gander at this fascinating infographic comparing Walmart and Amazon.
Via: Online MBA
I enjoyed the misused words section, though I’d argue that in some cases, the intended nuance could merit “bending” the meaning. My favorite is when people say, “That’s just semantics,” not grasping that semantics refers to meaning, and meaning is pretty much everything.
Thought you might also be interested in a post logging words that SHOULD exist: