Buy Your Way onto the Bestseller List – Will the deceptive practices ever end? (The Wall Street Journal article link may not last without subscription so I linked to this blog instead.)
Instead of Physical Books at a Signing, e-book Vouchers – Let us know what you think of this new idea!
60% of All Audio Sold is Now Digital – Try to find the audio books section in your local store….this is why.
Amazon Penalizes Those Who Link to Free Books – Fascinating. Read this article carefully if you use the Amazon Associates program to monetize your web site.
Jeff Bezos’ Wife Publishing a Book…But Not with Amazon – There is all sorts of “interesting” in this article.
AOL is Still Making Nearly $200 Million on Dial-up Customers – And that is in just the 4th quarter! This bring back any memories?
Book Murals from Around the World – Fantastic Photos. I want the one with the steps leading up to my office.
I love the ebook voucher idea! On my blog, when I review a book I love to give it away. That often limits me to physical copies of a book. I would love that option to be able to give away an ebook voucher.
eBook vouchers sound like a really light-weight way to travel to a signing! So many folks are ebooking (May I coin this or is it taken?), it only makes sense to work that angle, as well. Oh! Can you autograph a voucher?
Mackenzie Bezos is gracious, as well as talented. Bravo that she quietly does her thing without making it a media frenzie. Each author must choose their path in publishing. In our writer’s group, one says they want to write for the folks who read to fall asleep so any publisher will do, while one wants to publish their own works, others want traditional publishers. I applaud Ms. Bezos for knowing what she wants, and sticking to it.
After looking at the book murals I believe our farmhouse needs a face lift. Thanks for the news articles.