Content Abundance – What Do We Do About It? – A question every author, every marketer, and every publisher is asking. When there are one million titles on Amazon and you click a key word search, how do you find what you want?
11 Tumblr Tips for Power Users – Remember to type tumblr (without the “e”) if you visit their site.
The History of Air Conditioning – I’m sorry I had to include this. We live in Phoenix where Summer hasn’t quite yet officially arrived because it is still under 110 degrees. At 105 we just smile and admit that it is warm. But practically, if you are writing a novel set in the 50s and don’t properly describe your character’s attempts at cooling off, your story will not ring true. (You may need to register for free to view the entire article.)
Don’t Reply to Bad Reviews – Joan Stewart, publicity expert, explains why.
Internet Trends 2012 – An awesome presentation consisting of 112 Power Point slides. Wow.
Wondering What to Read This Summer? Follow this incredible Infographic to pick out some classics. I must admit I’m not familiar with some of the contemporary choices. Gives me something to explore!
What? No Twilight??? THANK YOU!
I read “Unbroken” when it first came out, it should rank up there with Corrie ten Boom’s “The Hiding Place”. Another great WW2 story is “A Town Like Alice” by Nevil Shute although Shute’s story is fiction.
I may be going to Canyon de Chelly in July (I know, clinically insane…) any advice, other than “don’t, white girl, you will die!”.
That is an exhaustive list! I was feeling a little proud of myself because of the books I’ve read–classics. Then, I moved furthher down the chart and saw how many books I hadn’t even heard of. Sigh. Pride be-gone is a good thing. 🙂
I also appreciated the article about not responding to bad reviews. She shared what not to do as well as good suggestions on what to do. Great links. Thank you!