MyBookTable WordPress Plugin – Do not wait another minute. Go right now and sign up for this KickStarter program by Thomas Umstattd and Author Media. It will make your web site so much more efficient when it comes to selling your books via your web site. At least watch the four minute video.
Care for a little debate about blogging? Read these two entries and decide:
Author Blogging: What’s Stopping You? – Joel Frielander leave little room for excuses.
It’s Time for (Many) Experienced Writers to Stop Blogging – LL Barkat leaves little room for excuses.
E-books are Not Really Books – Care to weigh in on another controversial claim?
Have You Backed Up All Your E-mail Lately? – One crash of your hard drive or a service shutdown by your email service and you’ve lost all your email. Back it up today.
How to Use Evernote as an Author’s Tool – Juli Monroe makes a great case for making this amazing tool a part of your work-flow. I use it every day.
I struggle with blogging as well. It seems my time is better spent on my WIP or reading. I do keep up with a post each week or so, but I still wonder if I’m waiting my time. I do agree that a successful writer can turn off the blog and make a much better income for the same amount of work. For the unpublished, we should probably play it safe and keep a blog. I’m afraid it’s expected by agents and editors these days (correct me if I’m wrong).
Blogging takes time, but the connections I have made have been so valuable. Everyone seems to love Evernote, maybe I better try it! I always drag my feet, but end up loving the new technology I try.
Wow – great info! I’ve not tried Evernote, but think I will now. The blogging posts are very helpful as I have laid off the blogging for a while as I gear up to restart with a blog that will hopefully attract people who will also be interested in my novel when it debuts! Thank you for such a helpful post! Love News You Can Use!!
Evernote has been very helpful when it comes to organizing my WIP.