Is Baby Boomer Lit the Next Hot Genre? – Yet another parsing of the genres. What do you think about this one?
The Economics Behind the Big Publishing Mergers – Eoin Purcells explores some of the big picture considerations.
Author Intuition – Roseanna White writes a great article. I appreciate her words “Don’t mistake pride for intuition.” Well said.
An Amazon Bestseller Earns the Author Very Little – Patrick Wensink’s article has generated over 100 comments.
What Was the Most Valuable Advice You Received as an Unpublished Writer? – T. Davis Bunn answers the question.
Eight Writers over 80 Years Old – What’s your excuse?
Love the list of octogenarian writers. However, they all seem to be continuing a long career. What about those of us who are starting late? Is there a list of authors whose first published work comes late in life?
The various genres remind me of moving targets. I know they’re necessary, but try not to put too rigid a boundary around them, because (as this article hints) often, their borders overlap.
After reading Ms. White’s article I’m smiling. Usually, a story is in my head from beginning to end, so it’s as though I’m up on a hill and can see my destination way yonder. Ah, but the journey to get there–the unraveling of the story is not always step-by-step, but often comes in pieces that I have to quilt together. I’ve been scolded and taught outlines, alas to little avail. It happens as it happens. Thanks for sharing this article.
The letter that was a game changer for me pointed out the over-use of -ly’s, the shallowness of my characters’ emotions, and my plot structure, yet it encouraged me to rewrite, and resubmit. There had to be something in the manuscript of some value (I tell myself over-and-over.) if the agent was willing to take precious time to give me valuable correction, and encouragement at the same time.