Waterbrook Launches Christian Fiction Reader Hub – Check out Novel Crossing a very exciting and dynamic new site for all readers of Christian fiction. To quote their mission statement, the site “is dedicated to bringing Christian fiction readers the latest news, book releases, author commentary and reviews from a range of writers including authors, professional reviewers, fiction book editors and fans of Christian fiction.”
What Do Harvard Business Publishing and Harlequin Have in Common? – Nick Morgan answers in this article in “Forbes” magazine.
Meeting a Troll – This chilling story from an active blogger shows the dangers of social media and the ease with which users can be terrorized. In case you don’t know, a “troll” is someone who posts inflammatory comments on your blog or uses direct messaging on Twitter or Facebook for nefarious purposes.
The Last Thing Ray Bradbury Wrote – This brief introduction to a collection of essays is a celebration of reading and of books. Enjoy!
Dean Koontz on “The Triumph of Good” – This bestselling author talks about faith in his writing in an interview with Publisher’s Weekly. (link may expire or need registration)
Tyndale House Publishers declared not a “religious publisher” by the Obama Administration – This Washington Times article details the ruling last week that Tyndale House must comply with the new Health Care mandate regarding birth control saying that the company is not a religious organization.
The Business of E-books Infographic:
Great links today. Thanks.