Will the New Healthcare Rules Put Tyndale Out of Business? – Read this extraordinary interview with Mark Taylor the President of Tyndale House Publishers. Imagine having to make such a decision after the Obama administration declared that Tyndale, a privately-held publisher of Bibles and Christian books, is not a religious employer. Please vote on November 6th.
Nicolas Cage to Star in “Left Behind” Reboot? – Rumor has it that the Left Behind films are being rewritten and reproduced. This new film release may be the forerunner of an actual apocalypse.
Read the Way You Write – Great article by Susan J. Morris. Love her first line “Great writing is often borne of an almost absurd level of appreciation and dedication to reading.”
Create a “Coughing” Ring-Tone and Never be Embarrassed by Your Phone Again – Intriguing suggestion from LifeHacker.
Newsweek Become Digital-Only Magazine – Is anyone really surprised? I thought that magazine had become irrelevant a few years ago. Note the statistic that their subscription rate is 1/2 of what it was ten years ago. At that rate it is awfully hard to fill the advertising revenue stream. The magazine was sold for $1 (one dollar) in 2010 and merged with The Daily Beast.
Amazon Creates Whispercast Service for Kindle – Allowing schools and businesses a way to use the device to share books and documents. Think of the variety of uses that could be made. Innovation in this industry never ceases to amaze me.
The Tyndale situation makes my heart ache.
Thank you for posting the information about Tyndale. I had no idea! It makes me both sad and angry.
About the Tyndale interview, let me point out that the Washington Times is not a reliable source of information. It was founded by the Unification Church. It has taken heat from the reputable news organizations for its biased reporting. It’s not fond of healthcare reform, for example. It compared the proposal to the policies of Nazi Germany. Given that the change in policy allowed my son to get healthcare that he would not have otherwise gotten, and that in the future insurance companies won’t be able to club us with per-existing conditions as they have clubbed me in the past, I think it’s a good move. The implication that Tyndale is going to go out of business if we re-elect President Obama seems reactionary. There is plenty to worry about if Governor Romney is elected. I would encourage people to get the facts by seeking objective reporting that presents both sides of the issues.
The news did not originate with The Washington Times. It was simply a readily available link. The facts remain that Tyndale was not allowed to be given an exemption based on them being a religious publisher.
Thus, as Mark Taylor’s interview states, “the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has ruled that health insurance plans must provide contraceptives free of charge to all plan beneficiaries.” And therefore Tyndale House must comply.
The issue in this case is not whether or not pre-existing conditions are denied. I too have family members who cannot get healthcare for certain pre-existing conditions.
This link will take you to the actual 36 page legal filing in Tyndale’s lawsuit against the government. http://www.adfmedia.org/files/TyndaleComplaint.pdf
Thanks, Steve. But providing contraceptives to employees who want them seems reasonable to me. I would hope that Tyndale and the government can work out a deal in which the employees can get the healthcare they desire. If it’s not provided by the employer’s insurance, perhaps it can be provided by a government-paid rider, since I would expect that the vast majority of Americans would favor the use of contraceptives. Especially since many are used for purposes other than to inhibit pregnancy. Many women use them to control hormone imbalances. It would seem unChristlike to turn those women away. A bit like Jesus shooing off the woman who had the problem with menstrual bleeding.
Thank you for posting and clarifying the Tyndale House problem. This is just the tip of the iceberg.