Amazon Buys 1,000 Backlist titles from Dorchester – As expected Amazon won the bid for defunct publisher Dorchester. Add these to the 3,000 titles they bought from Avalon in July and you have a serious number of romance backlist titles to offer.
Jonah Lehrer’s Plagarism Worse than Originally Thought – Charles Seife analyzes numerous “Wired” articles and the Lehrer’s blog and discovers a pattern. Beware lest anyone put your blog or articles under a microscope.
Publishing is Broken, We’re Drowning in Indie Books, and That is a Good Thing – Lengthy article in Forbes magazine about the state of the industry. Worth the time to absorb what he is trying to say. See the next link for a different perspective.
Self-Published Authors are Lazy – Interview with Sue Grafton where she rendered a very unpopular opinion. Plenty of digital ink was spilled in response.
Today’s Christian Woman is Back in Print – Fascinating strategy launching this Fall. TCW coming back in a print edition, as well as online. See the new web site in beta form:
ipads and Kindles Allowed to be on During Take Off? – It may happen soon! As long as they make everyone turn off their cell phones I’m looking forward to the relaxation of these rules. I just cannot fathom sitting next to someone talking on their cell phone for an entire flight.
How Do Authors Benefit from Agents? – Rachelle Gardner, once again, writes a brilliant post. If you don’t follow her blog, you need to.
The Publishing Process in GIF form – In case you missed this last week (it went somewhat viral), Nathan Bransford created a delightful visual description of the entire publishing process.
“Self-published Authors Are Lazy” That’s one I hadn’t heard before. It obviously isn’t true, but it makes me wonder why we tolerate namecalling like this.
Steve, I’m glad I have to you to tell me something went viral; else I would never know!
Wow- this was such a good word for me today. I have so much to do between now and conference. It is always good to remember to make priorities.
Haha- oops – that was suppose to go on today’s post. Ah the joys of a tiny iPhone screen.