Are you surprised that bestselling authors need help? Don’t be. While they are in an enviable position, that position is not without its hazards.
1.) Performance: Each book must be as good or better than the last book to keep readers reading.
2.) Sales: In direct correlation to the first item, the readership will result in sales. A bestselling author doesn’t want to see a big drop in sales.
3.) Schedules: Being in demand creates additional demand. Bestselling authors find that everyone wants them to write more books. More opportunities present themselves, and this can cause conflict as the writer must decide whether she can or will increase her writing time and balance it with promotional time and personal time.
4.) Burnout: Authors writing book after book after book can find themselves becoming tired of their topics and brands and just plain tired.
By the time they reach this level, most authors have built their network of support with a team of excellent publishing professionals. These people, including agents and editors, are a help in keeping authors sane.
Are you ready to become a bestselling author?
Your turn:
Who is your favorite bestselling author?
Out of the four points, which do you think you would, or do you, find most challenging?