Dear World,
Those of us involved in Christian publishing can’t help but notice you are hurting.
While our work is to write and publish books, one or more times each week we gather to worship and pray to the Creator God, considering ways we can ease your pain. I hope you know we care.
There are dozens of new books with Christian themes coming out every week. They contain information and inspiration you might find helpful. There are thousands of great books already available. We can recommend a few sometime if you like. Just ask.
But today we thought we would write a letter from our group to yours and tell you what is on our mind and heart.
You are hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually. Those who write and publish Christian books have personally been there and to a varying degree still are. We aren’t unaware of how deeply you hurt and how difficult life can be. We’ve all been there.
The difference now is we have given up trying to solve all our problems ourselves and instead placed our lives in the hands of the God who created us. It’s where we all started and it’s the way we were meant to live.
Would you like to live the way you were intended to live? We have what you want.
We have books that introduce a man named Jesus, born in a barn to an unmarried teenage girl named Mary and who spent his first night in a feeding trough. He grew up the child of a humble carpenter and one day when he was about 30 years old he walked to a river in Israel for a brief ceremony with a man named John and the world was never the same.
Jesus showed everyone how to live a life that is for the most part opposite how people live their lives today.
At the end of his life, just three years later, he was betrayed by a friend, arrested, tortured and killed in the most awful way possible. But it wasn’t the end of the story. Three days later on Easter morning he came back alive, proving he defeated death and made it possible for people to be forgiven and live a much more satisfying life on this earth and then be prepared for a forever-life after you die on a new earth where everything is perfect.
Would you like to live in a world where there are no more tears, illness or pain?
A place where no child ever dies from cancer because there is no cancer?
Would you like to live in a world where relationships between people are always perfect?
Would you like to live in a world where no records are kept you ever did anything wrong or bad?
It’s the ultimate “do over.”
If you want that kind of future, Christian authors write and publishers publish what you want.
One final word before we close.
We admit it, we talk a lot about Jesus. He’s the reason we do everything, so you will need to understand our perspective and passion for what we do. The Bible says Jesus existed before time itself and actually created everything. It’s complicated, and we don’t have all the answers, but we do know that our lives are in the hands of a Creator who made us, saved us and walks with us every day. It’s a great life. You’ll never want to go back to the old ways.
If you want to start over with a clean slate and live a life destined for a wonderful perfect place where worry, pain and tears are no more, we have what you want.
With Kind Regards,
Authors and Publishers of Christian Books
P.S. We are sorry for the less-than-good things we might do or say once in a while. Don’t be discouraged. We are all still a work in process. But we are all hopeful.
Thanks for this eloquent reminder of the big picture. In the swirl of day-to-day details, it’s easy to lose sight of why we’re doing it in the first place.
Yes. Oh, yes.
A splendid word, Dan. Thanks for posting it. May God continue to give you wisdom, favor, and anointing.
Pax Christi,
Ken Kinghorn
I’m so blessed by these words of encouragement today. This piece directs us back to the basics of the Bible and puts what we do into the right perspective.
Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes
Thank you for this encouragement in the face of world events. We need to remember our calling and some days It’s hard. We need love, humility, and grace to reach the people God puts in our path.
Thank you, Dan. And this truth is why we write!
Dan, that is one of the most eloquent open invitations I have ever seen. Well done brother!
Thanks for sharing the gospel of good news in a way that folks can identify with. It is particularly salient today, given the activities in Orlando over the past few days.
Dear Steve: Thank you for including this in your mailing. It is a wonderful message. And one we all agree to.
Warm regards,
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
Author: Estate of Mind
Beautiful! This says it all.
Thanks, Dan, for the perfect P.S.
Absolutely stunning & Amen! God bless & thank you for your writing!
Dan, thank you for writing words of everlasting hope, enduring peace, and undeniable love. May we continue to set down such words with boldness.