Watch this tongue-in-cheek look at what a writers conference asks of a “famous” writer.
Very clever.
Fun Fridays – July 1, 2011
Watch this tongue-in-cheek look at what a writers conference asks of a “famous” writer.
Very clever.
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Maybe it’s so quiet here because this is so true that it hurts when I laugh?
It is really too funny for words isn’t it?
Love the quote “Nobody cares about your book.”
It slayed me.
I need to go hit myself with a hammer… LOL
Ha ha ha. I love how he brought up his own idea at the end. Too funny.
I think I’ve been to that conference. Sigh.
Wonder if I could find that same outfit for the upcoming ACFW conference? Bet I’d get lots of attention. (G)
Talk about authenticity. He just says what he thinks, doesn’t he? Fun.
That was the line that made me laugh out loud, too, Steve–nobody cares about your book. I also liked the hitting the head with the hammer line. Oh, and the cramped seats by the aft bathroom were a nice touch.
Having just been asked to speak at a conference, this is especially amusing to me. At least I will be the keynote — and it was at my suggestion that I do a couple of workshops, since “I will be there anyway.”
“Please, I’m an author. I subsist on Red Bull and microwaved burritos.” That’s a great one!
THANKS STEVE. I really needed that good laugh!
Oh, the glamorous writing life! Is this really what we are panting after? Very amusing. The “Nobody cares about your book…” comment was hilarious and had a slightly familiar ring to it!
Hilarious. Thanks!
Where’s my tiara? 😉 This is so funny because (its so true!)
STEVE….you weren’t supposed to share my uber-secret-behind-the-scenes-conference-director training video with anyone! LOLOLOLOLOL