45 Ways to Blog as a Novelist – Do you have blogger’s block? Here are some great tips for finding stuff to blog about.
Why You Are Receiving Rejections – Nathan Bransford weighs in and is both simple and profound.
Read Your Old Tweets – If you are an aggressive tweeter you’re stymied if you want to review your archives. The linked tool is an amazing way to pull them all into one document for your review. If you use Twitter like a diary it creates a timeline of your life.
What Should You Podcast About? – If you are thinking about adding a podcast to your marketing efforts read this article.
Find the Right Writers Group for You – A short article and a video from Joanna Penn. If you want to find out the Christian Writer’s groups in your area contact Reg Forder at American Christian Writers or ACFW (www.acfw.com).
iPhone app for 1500 Classic Books – A cool free app from Penguin Classics. Annotated descriptions of all 1500 titles in their collection and 65 quizzes for specific titles in the series.
Get the ESV Bible for Free – The English Standard Version is available for free in nearly every digital platform possible…for free.
The Ultimate Guide to Emoticons – Found at ChurchMag.com which is a really interesting place to visit.
Thanks for all the great info. And I’m glad you included the ESV in there. 🙂
Speaking of symbols, I didn’t realize =) was for meh. I’m adding it to my favourites list beside my =( (for crying).