Pew Research Findings on E-Reading – If you want a sense of what’s happening, read this article. Then once you’ve digested it, read Mike Shatzkin’s evaluation of the data. Together the articles may take an hour to absorb.
The Perfect Elevator Pitch for a New Job – Interesting article with applications for a writer creating the perfect pitch for their book idea
Five Best Bluetooth Headsets – A link for you techies out there. If you have a favorite vote in the comment section.
Judging a Book by its Cover – A 17 minute lecture from the TED conference by a book cover designer (Chip Kidd has been a designer at Alfred A. Knopf since 1986). At turns amusing and enlightening. If you are an author and want to get inside the head of a designer in an entertaining way, consider watching.
Five Great Movies about Writing – Have to admit never seeing any of these. Am I an uncultured sloth? Don’t answer that question. Instead add your two cents in the comments below.
Infographic on how the Internet is ruining our brain:
Ouch! What a sad graphic. It used to take days or hours to do the things we can do now in minutes, so we do more. No wonder everyone is stressed.
I haven’t seen any of these five movies, but I’ll make a point to watch a couple of them. At the top of my list are: Finding Forester, Freedom Writers, and Shadowlands.
Steve, thanks for more great links.
I really enjoyed the Chip Kidd video — and am in awe of his creative covers.
And my additions to the five movies are “The Muse” (1999), “Paris When it Sizzles,” and “Alex & Emma.” All great flicks (in my opinion).
I would make a completely different list: Stranger Than Fiction, Shakespeare In Love, The Help, Little Women, His Girl Friday, Impromptu, Dan In Real Life & Amadeus, which, of course, is about writing music but I still connect with what it says about the creative process.
And I have to give a shout-out to Romancing the Stone since it is, after all, about a romance novelist living out her story.