7 Reasons Your Manuscript Might be Rejected – I loved this post by Darcy Pattison
9 Things to Know Before Your First TV Interview – I would add a 10th. Remember the Media is not your friend. – Be prepared for anything. Including being bumped because of some breaking news (like happened to a client last week…for good reasons!)
How to Market Part-Time While Working Full-Time – Excellent advice.
On Taking Criticism – David Farland addresses one of a writer’s greatest fears.
4 Ways Blogging Will Make You a Better Writer – Dan Blank provides some encouragement.
What Slush Pile Reader Look for in a Story – True confessions
Hemingway on Writing – A selection of his thoughts on the topic culled by the web site “Brain Pickings.”
50 Things We Don’t Do Anymore Because of Technology – Infographic. What does is say about me when I still do 19 of these?
Just an FYI – every time I clicked on 4 Ways Blogging Will Make You a Better Writer, Safari closed down. Don’t know if it’s just me??
It did that for me, too Georgianne.
I’m not much help. I work in a PC environment at work. And it opens fine on my iPad using Safari. Don’t know what to tell you.
I do four of the fifty things.
Odd list to include both hand-washing the laundry and dialing star 69.
OK, so the 7 reasons a manuscript might be rejected can all be avoided by collaborating with a knowledgeable agent. Control the things you can control, Dana. So, back to working on writing the best book I can write.