Guideposts sells Ellie Claire Line and Selected Summerside Titles to Worthy Publishing – Worthy Publishing adds a great gift book line along with some Summerside non-fiction to their company. Plus they added a new VP, Jason Rovenstine, who joins them from his similar role at Ellie Claire/Summerside. The Summerside fiction line remains with Guideposts with no editorial changes. Guideposts fiction and non-fiction remains untouched. (If you are curious an out-of-date web site shows previous products published under the Ellie Claire imprint.)
Three Things You Can Do in a Novel but not Onscreen – Derek Haas helps writers understand the difference.
The Elevator Pitch – READ THIS ARTICLE!!!! – Susan Morris nails it on the head. The best way to talk about your book to and agent or an editor. Excellent.
Archway Publishing: Simon & Schuster Adds a Self-Publishing Division – Victoria Strauss pulls back the curtain. If you weren’t aware “Like the other self-publishing divisions of trade publishers (LifeWay’s Cross Books, Thomas Nelson’s West Bow Press, Harlequin’s Dell’Arte Press … Hay House’s Balboa Press, and Writer’s Digest’sAbbott Press), Archway Publishing is outsourced to Author Solutions Inc.” And Author Solutions was recently purchased by Penguin…which is merging with Random House.
Confused yet?
If you get a contract from one of these publishers or similar and you don’t have an agent, check out Victoria Strauss’ site and do your research.
The Art of Shameless Self-Promotion – Nathan Hangen makes a great case.
AP Removes “Homophobia” from Their Style Book – Which makes Matthew Schmitz wonders if it makes sense to write about Christophobia.
Want to be amazed? Watch this one minute video of a machine scanning a book at the rate of 250 pages per minute. Do the math. If there are an average of 300 words on a printed page and it takes five minutes to set up a new book, you could feasibly scan ten books an hour or 80 per day or six million words. A library of 5,000 books could be scanned and digitized in two months.
I’m not sure what the point of removing “homophobia” from a style book is. Personally, I view the word as hate speech, but the people who use it know that it is hate speech and intend to use it that way. That same goes for the word “bigot.” While there are some true bigots, it is most commonly used in hate speech when people can’t think of anything else to call the people who disagree with them.
That book scanner is impressive.
And SO glad I’m not limited by budget when writing elaborate scenes in my novels. That would truly stink. 🙂