Is Amazon a “Ruthless Money-Making Devil”? – James Daunt, UK bookseller extraordinaire, makes a bold claim.
Five Tips on Writing…from the Grinch – Fun article for the Christmas Season.
EMI is sold! – Music giant will be split in half and sold to Universal and Sony. Yes it is the music industry but it would have the same type of impact in the book industry if one of the Big Six were split up and sold. Consolidation continues to dominate the media world. The sale includes their Christian label which includes Amy Grant and Steven Curtis Chapman.
23 Questions to Ask Your Novel – A fantastic exercise to go through after you’ve typed “The End.”
How Many Christmases Until We See a Whole New Industry? – Mike Shatzkin asks some great questions about the future of Publishing.
An Excuse for Plagerism? – Quentin Rowan blames his plagerism on his addiction. Personal responsibility never crosses his mind. “I lost my job in the Brooklyn bookstore where I was a part-owner, my beautiful girlfriend left me (and the apartment we were going to share), and my future in the only field I know anything about, books, came to ignominious end.”
On the Future Partnership of Thomas Nelson with HarperCollins – A great interview with Mark Schoenwald, CEO of Thomas Nelson.
Quentin Rowan’s thoughts on plagerism are interesting. I can see where he is coming from, but that doesn’t give him an excuse. The thing is, pretty much every sin out there has an adictive nature to it. Some, like drugs and alcohol, have a chemical component to them as well, but with whatever sin we might commit, we will eventually become “adicted” to it if we allow ourselves to keep doing it. And our natural tendency is to try to justify our sin, as Quentin Rowan is doing, rather than fessing up.
Thanks, Steve. I like “23 Questions to Ask Your Novel” and have passed on the link to several other writers. Great questions!
I think that what happens in the music industry is a precursor to what will happen in publishing.
People keep saying that, but I’ve yet to see any solid evidence that supports that claim.