My Favorite Article of the Week – Please read it and make your agent happy.
What Publishers Can Learn From the Airlines– Andy Le Peau of IVP renders a very clever take on what publishing could look like if they would only emulate other industry practices.
Amanda Knox Signs a $4 Million Book Deal – Sigh…Think about it for a second. In 2005 a relatively unknown senator from Illinois got $1.9 Million for two non-fiction books, his name was Barak Obama. And right before he took office as president he signed a $500,000 advance deal for a children’s book. Former President Bill Clinton got $8 Million up front for his memoir. And former President George Bush received $7 Million for his Decision Points memoir.
Do You Ignore Issue of Copyright? – This article shows the complexity of copyright when going from one country to the next. For example, Hemingway is public domain in Canada, but not in France. Do you even care?
Men are from Google+, Women are from Pinterest – Clever article.
Adult vs. YA Dystopian Novels – Interesting look at the phenomenon of dystopian novels in today’s YA market. And if you don’t know what that means, click the link.
25 Subordinating Conjunctions – I was afraid to read the article too. Clever help for flat writing.
Another great round-up! I really liked the Google+ vs. Pinterest article since it’s such a hot topic lately. Thanks!
Like I do every weekday, I checked the blog. Sure enough the first thing I read said, “Please read it and make your agent happy.” Thus I did. While maybe twice a year, I’d send Tamela a list of what I know we have out and what I’m working. But I never thought how helpful it may be to send her one once a month, espcially now since my first novella has been released. Good to know!
Wait…you don’t want daily updates?
I like the monthly update idea. I can see how this would be helpful and build a good working relationship. I will take that to heart and send you one after my March 1 deadline.