Successful Query Letters for Agents – A fascinating collection of 23 links to actual query letters that sold a book….organized by genre!
Goodreads vs Facebook Ads – an Experiment – A fascinating article by Angela Quarles on two marketing outlets available to every author.
Of Books and Bedbugs – This story is full of the “ick” factor. The article is called “It was a Dark and Itchy Night.” This poor infested library!
Bad Writing is an Oxymoron – Clever article reposted by Nathan Bransford.
An Atheist Church – Gene Veith writes about this new congregation formed in London. He wonders what songs they sing. I thought of a couple: “All Hail the Power of MasterCard”? “Shout to the Bored”?
The Dove Foundation Adds Books – From the press release: “The Dove Foundation (, known for awarding its highly-regarded blue-and-white “Family Approved” seal to movies and DVDs, announces the addition of a new books category for reviews and endorsements.” Note that this is different than the Dove Awards ( – (Thank you to Deborah Raney for the tip!)
“Bad Writing” Documentary – For the rest of the month of January 2013 this 90 minute documentary is available to be viewed online for free. In it an aspiring poet, Vernon Lott, takes a rather existential journey trying to define bad writing. Along the way he interviews accomplished writers like Margaret Atwood, David Sedaris, Nick Flynn, and more. You can click below to watch it here or go over to the Vimeo site and watch it there.
I just realized I never comment on your “News You Can Use” post, mostly because I’m too busy commenting on the links you give. But I wanted to take the time to thank you for this regular segment. Always lots of good and useful gems!!!
I second Connie’s comment. Thanks so much for pulling all these resources together and sharing them with us.