Non-Fiction is True, Fiction is Un-True – Tony Reinke explodes this myth.
Campus Crusade Changes its Name – No longer call Campus Crusade by that name. It is now called Cru. This is not a prank, it is the real deal. One scalpel edged writer has some pointed things to say about the change.
The Difference Between Buzz and Word-of-Mouth – Matt Perman makes a simple definition to help clarify.
Top Ten Differences Between the Published and the Self-Published – Robert Chazz Chute discussed the main reasons that separate the two groups. Ending quote: “It used to take a powerful store of hope to be a self-published author. Now more faith is demanded of my traditionally published friends.”
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently – a great article from the Harvard Business Review. Number four is my favorite: “Be a realistic optimist.”
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