Thank you for the overwhelming response to our survey last week. We had almost 100% confirmation that we should continue this feature. So you are stuck with it!
Publicity Calendar for 2012 – EVERY author should download this PDF and see if there is something they can capitalize on! This is a brilliant resource.
Write for Your Audience – An excellent article from a YA author on the challenge of writing for the market or writing for the acquisitions editor!
Publishers Should Publish Fewer Titles and Monetize Their Backlist – Mike Shatzkin, again, makes everyone think twice about the publishing industry.
The Writer’s Note Taking Tool for 2012 – I use this program every day. Indispensable.
Cell Phone Interrupts Symphony – I love this story. Hurray for the conductor!
Click through to view this great infographic on “Who is an Average Facebook User?”
The average user has 229 friends, of which 22% are from high school, 12% are co-workers, 9% are from college and 3% they only met once. In 2008, the average user was 33. Two years later, the average user was 38, five years older.
Compared with other social networks, Facebook users are the most engaged. Fifty-two percent visit Facebook daily, beating out others for daily visitors, such as Twitter(36%), Myspace (7%) and LinkedIn (6%).
I realize one of the reasons you thought about canceling this feature was that so few of us left feedback. So let me say up front that it has blessed me–and has already done the same today. Thanks for helping me stay informed and inspired. And I agree about Evernote. Fantastic!
Thanks Steve.
I printed the calendar.
I agree with Marti! I love knowing the latest industry news. Great resource!
Ok – wow to the publicity calendar! That is amazing..
Thank you for continuing the News You Can Use feature. I love getting these links to articles that I would have missed otherwise. It feels like you are doing the research for us, and we can sit back and enjoy the articles!
I am a firm believer in the wonders of Evernote. It’s amazing! I use it to keep track of all my characters, lists of research books, promotional ideas. If it’s related to my writing I use Evernote to keep track of it. Amazing program. And you can’t beat free! I haven’t yet accumulated enough synced data to go over my free limit.