The Christian Writers Institute is excited to announce a new book by Kathy Tyers called, Writing Deep Viewpoint: Invite Your Readers Into Your Story. (releasing July 14th.) It is one of few fiction craft books to explore the topic of writing the deep point-of-view. Here is what bestselling author Davis Bunn has to say about it:
There is no single component of the writing craft as vital to good fiction, and to developing an artistic voice, as point of view. The term covers a great deal of ground, but basically boils down to sharing the world of your characters, starting from within. Writing Deep Viewpoint helps establish a foundation from which a novelist can spread artistic wings and fly. Highly recommended.
Kathy is known for her very popular Firebird science fiction series and her authorship of two bestselling Star Wars novels.
From the back cover of the book:
Why is deep viewpoint vital for hooking and holding your readers?
Who is narrating each scene of your story?
What are readers really looking for when they pick up a novel?
Where does the real action of a written story take place?
What are the two most important rules of storytelling?
When should viewpoint be established?
Deep viewpoint can convince your readers that they have become your characters. This powerful writing-craft skill set includes showing instead of telling, maintaining story flow, attributing dialogue effectively, and showing characters interact with convincing antagonists and believable settings.
In the book (184 pages) Kathy uses examples from her own novels to help guide the reader to look at their own work and create the magic of powerful storytelling.
Whether you are a fledgling novelist or a long time successful veteran, I highly recommend the book to you. [Full disclosure, as the president of the Christian Writers Institute, I’m the publisher, so I’m somewhat biased. I also happen to be Kathy’s agent…and her publisher at Enclave Publishing. But I would not have suggested Kathy write the book if I didn’t think it worthy.]
Links to pre-order:
$15.99 in paperback. $7.99 in ebook.
It is currently being approved for ebook pre-order on the following sites:
Apple iTunes
Can hardly wait! Thanks for the heads-up, Steve.
Sounds worthwhile, Steve The first book I got on deep POV was filled with examples only good for YA because that was what the author wrote. Does this one cover how to tailor your POV best for different genres and maturity levels?
Wow! Sounds amazing; can’t wait to read it.
This sounds great. There’s also a wonderful book on POV and author intrusion by James Wood, who is extremely well read and provides countless examples of fully entering into character POV.
Sorry. James Wood’s book is called _How Fiction Works_.
However, when using such books, you need to be careful not to lose your own style and voice. Deep POV is a necessity, yes. It brings out the story and characters in a way to touch our readers without boring them to death. But we should not risk losing ourselves and what makes us unique in the process. After all, isn’t that why readers choose or books over someone else’s?
I’ve not read the book but this is basically what Karen Ball suggested I do when she edited my manuscript. And I’m loving it. I’ve revised and revised, but this rewrite, I’m really enjoying. Forgive the “ly” word, Karen.
I’d say, it’s kind of like writing 1st person in 3rd person. It’s limiting in some ways but freeing in others. It took a little getting used to but after a while, it became 2nd nature.
I’m anxious now for Karen to read the new version.
I think it’s great. Thanks Steve
Hi Steve,
Not long ago, I learned about deep point of view. The three types that writers use to get into the characters heads. Love it. Creates a depth to characters whom readers can relate to and love.
Deep POV is a great way to build an audience. I tire and forget novelists who write characters without this. Deep POV grabs and doesn’t let go.
I rewrote an entire manuscript to take me out of the work. Put each sight/sound/emotion into characters internal thought, action, or dialogue. Some telling is important, yes. But author intrusion or shallow writing is forgettable writing.
One critique demanded I rewrite the end or she’d go all ‘Misery’ on me. I didn’t give her my address. She realized it was a HEA for now, and forgave me. My editor told me I had to rewrite. She cried. Three times, in the same chapter. Her last statement was, ‘I don’t know if I edited anything, I cried so much. I will be thinking of Calhoun and Cade for a long time.’ YES!
The terror, the anger, the angst, and loss. I want my writing to sing and my readers to laugh, feel that anger, and cry. When my critiquers argue inline with my characters, I know I’ve done my job. Grab those readers. This is what makes an author memorable because there is a takeaway message.
Thanks for the heads-up on that book!
So exciting to see this come to fruition. Good job!!!
Sounds like a great resource! I absolutely loved her Firebird books. As a teenager, I may or may not have read the trilogy six times within the space of twelve months (and several times more in the decade or so since then!).
I suspect this new release will find a place on my bookshelf. Or in the stacks lying around my room since I’ve run out of shelf space…
Biased? Never 😉 Looking forward to reading it!
I will be purchasing. Thanks
Looks like a really helpful book! I just marked it as “to read” on Goodreads, and I think I might just preorder it as well. Intimate POV is often a deal breaker for me as a reader, and it’s something I strive for as a writer. So I look forward to more expert instruction on the subject!