Extremely clever promotional video. A fun two minutes from your day!
Extremely clever promotional video. A fun two minutes from your day!
Fund Raiser to Help with Relief - Bid on a 50-page critique of your novel by a published novelist between Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. Participating blogger authors include Susan Meissner, Ginny Yttrup, Donita K. Paul, Gayle Roper, Kristen Heitzmann, Hannah Alexander, Rachel Hauck and more! Money from the highest bidder of the week for each author will go to Samaritan's Purse to help the victims of …
Random House Merges with Penguin Putnam - To be called Penguin Random House. Bertelsmann (the parent company of Random House) will own 53%, and Pearson (the parent company of Penguin) 47%. This is major news if it goes through to create the Big Five (no longer the Big Six). It will have little impact on the Christian market since Penguin was highly selective in their Christian book acquisitions …
A client recently sent this exchange with his son:
My 6-year-old, Nathan, asked me today how it works that people pay me to write a book.
Me: "Well, actually I have an agent that helps me."
Nathan (shocked): "A secret agent?! Did he ever shoot somebody?!"
Me: "Not yet."
Thanks for the laugh Nathan! (and to his father Michael Svigel author of RetroChristianity.)
Will the New Healthcare Rules Put Tyndale Out of Business? - Read this extraordinary interview with Mark Taylor the President of Tyndale House Publishers. Imagine having to make such a decision after the Obama administration declared that Tyndale, a privately-held publisher of Bibles and Christian books, is not a religious employer. Please vote on November 6th.
Nicolas Cage to Star in "Left …
We had two car batteries die in the same month. This video looks like a lot more fun!
"Can you give me a jump?"
Is Apple Promoting Original Sin? - Orthodox activists in Russia are objecting to Apple's logo depicting a bite taken out of an apple. They say the image glorifies the sins of Adam and Eve. It is important to note that in the Orthodox tradition "a person experiences the faith in the Orthodox Church through its art and symbols."
The E-mail is Legitimate - I've had clients ask if the email they …
Baptist Children’s Books
FakeJDGreear and ChurchCurmudgeon had a good time this Summer with their series, Baptist Children’s Books. Too much fun.
(HT: Trevin Wax)
Charlie Spurgeon and the Chocolate Factory
Green Eggs and NAMB (North American Mission Board)
Danny Akin and the Dinosaur
Goodnight Lottie Moon
Chick-Fil-Little: The Biblical Definition of Marriage is Falling
Harry Potter …
Waterbrook Launches Christian Fiction Reader Hub - Check out Novel Crossing a very exciting and dynamic new site for all readers of Christian fiction. To quote their mission statement, the site "is dedicated to bringing Christian fiction readers the latest news, book releases, author commentary and reviews from a range of writers including authors, professional reviewers, fiction book editors and …