I’m curious what our readers think about the infographic posted below from grammarcheck.net. Please comment below.
I tend to think there is a time and place for “boring” verbs, but the danger is letting your work feel or read “flat.”
I first wrote the below sentences and then arbitrarily replaced the “boring” verbs with ones from the list. Better? Worse?
Original: As a boy, I would play, jump, run, and yell so much that I would keep my mom from having a good night’s sleep.
Revised: As a boy, I would cavort, leap, scamper, and bellow so much that I would keep my mom from having a good night’s snooze.
I think I just committed the error of “overwriting.” This is when you are trying too hard to sound “literary” and miss the point.
Your thoughts?
Source: www.grammarcheck.net