Enjoy a fun sing-along today!
[If you cannot view the video in your email, please go to our site where it can be seen.]
Enjoy a fun sing-along today!
[If you cannot view the video in your email, please go to our site where it can be seen.]
There is all sorts of talk about artificial intelligence and the ease with which a computer can create content with a mere prompt from a user. For those of us who read science fiction it cuts too close to the famous H.A.L. scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey or the rise of the machines in Terminator or the autonomous military robots in Keith Laumer’s BOLO series. I dare say we are not there yet, but …
Enjoy these definitions of “biblio!” Care to add any more? Do so in the comments. From A Passion for Books by Harold Rabinowitz, Rob Kaplan How about these? Bibliogrumpypants – A literary agent Biblionope – A literary agent Biblioparasite – A literary agent
I do not like to experience disappointment. I do not like rejection, even when it isn’t my personal project being turned down. I do not like to be the bearer of bad news. And yet I do experience disappointment, rejection, and the telling of bad news–every week. That is the nature of the arts. The arts (meaning music, writing, dance, and painting) are comprised of thousands of hours of …
Enjoy today’s video of the song “The Auctioneer.” And in case you want to follow along, I’ve posted the lyrics below the video. If you’ve ever been to an auction, it’s quite incredible to hear the patter of the auctioneer. Lyrics found at: https://genius.com/Leroy-van-dyke-auctioneer-lyrics [Intro] Hey, alright, sir here we go there an’ what can we get for …
I’ve had the fun of teaching at nearly 200 writers conferences over the years. In that time, I’ve noticed several common things that all writers face. Let’s explore a few tips that may help you survive at the next one you attend. Relax The most common mistake is viewing the conference as a make-it-or-break-it event. The stress folks place on themselves is palpable. I’ve had …
Today’s video dispenses with the notion “Good things come to those who wait.” Sometimes you just can’t wait for the blessings from the Lord. What sheer joy!
Hope that headline got your attention! Those of us who work with authors find that an area of consistent turmoil is when money is the topic. A major challenge is teaching authors when to talk about money and when not to talk about money. Let’s explore some of these challenges. And first, let’s assume you already have a literary agent. When to Talk Money With Your Publisher/Editor Never. That is …
I’m sorry about today’s video, but it made me laugh. The title is so appropriate: “When You’re Overqualified for the Job.” Stick with it till the one-minute mark and be amazed. This drummer just had to let loose! Sometimes you simply have bills to pay. Ever feel this way, metaphorically?
When a picture says a thousand words: