Screen Writing 101 with Hollywood Screenwriter Bob Saenz
You can listen to this episode 034 Screen Writing 101 with Hollywood Screenwriter Bob Saenz on Christian Publishing Show.
Screen Writing 101 with Hollywood Screenwriter Bob Saenz
You can listen to this episode 034 Screen Writing 101 with Hollywood Screenwriter Bob Saenz on Christian Publishing Show.
Oxymorons can be fun. Two words that can have contradictory meaning are put together to create a new phrase. Or it can be expanded to mean two separate thoughts or ideas that are in direct conflict with each other but when combined create something new.
For example, if you've ever worked in a cubicle you can see the humor in the description "office space."
Watch and laugh again at the classic Tim Conway sketch “The Dentist.” It never gets old.
Recently, my assistant has been besieged with submissions that wasted everyone’s time. We’re not sure what triggered this barrage; but if these words save anyone a few moments, they’re worth posting. Don’t submit works that agents aren’t seeking. Please. I realize that perhaps you think it’s worth taking a chance. That agent specializing in Christian fiction and nonfiction is great, so surely he …
Different people write for different reasons. Some for money. Some for fame. Some for posterity, and some for popularity. John, the author of the fourth Gospel, said he wrote “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30, NIV). That may be the best answer of all time to the question, “Why do you …
How do books cross the pond into the international market? What mistakes should you avoid and how do you make your book more compatible with international markets? To help us answer these questions we will be talking with Jim Elwell is the Director of International Publishing at Tyndale House Publishers. Having first joined Tyndale in 1984, he has thirty-five years of experience in the Christian …
International Publishing with Tyndale House Publishers Jim Elwell
You can listen to this episode 033 International Publishing with Tyndale House Publishers Jim Elwell on Christian Publishing Show.
Remember the media principle of “if it bleeds it leads,” which means bad news or salacious headlines are designed to grab our attention. When authors are constantly barraged by bad news, it can be demotivating at the very least. I’m sure sales for your book could be better. I’m with you. Instead, you might consider the number that have sold. If it is only 100 copies, put …
This is a long video, nearly 15 minutes. But it is worth it. Ever wondered what the real interpretation of body language is like? Learn from a former FBI agent whose job it was to catch spies. If you’ve ever used any of the tropes he debunks in the first three minutes in your writing, you might want to revise your material.
Recently, my husband and I watched an old movie focusing on a romance. The couple devoted their time to fighting with each other over issues, both major and minor. The heroine complained to her friends about the love affair. My husband and I agreed that this couple was not compatible. They had no business marrying. But! Sigh! He was veddy, veddy rich. She married up! So surely all will be well! …