How to overcome burnout, and discouragement with Erin Young and Karen Ball
You can listen to this episode 014 How to overcome burnout, and discouragement with Erin Young and Karen Ball on Christian Publishing Show.
How to overcome burnout, and discouragement with Erin Young and Karen Ball
You can listen to this episode 014 How to overcome burnout, and discouragement with Erin Young and Karen Ball on Christian Publishing Show.
The intent of our blog and podcast is to help writers understand what they need to know about the publishing industry and to hopefully succeed with their books. Everything from craft to conferences to proposals and even to ISBN numbers. We’ve been attempting this for nearly 10 years and yet many writers still have questions. Some are answered in our archives; but it isn’t easy to …
Enjoy this incredible performance of the “The Entertainer” on a classical guitar. Richard Smith is one of the USA’s greatest players, named to the National Thumbpickers Hall of Fame in 2009. He makes this look so easy! (Note the series of chords and notes at the 2:27 mark.) By the way, the fellow sitting next to him during the performance is the legendary player Tommy Emmanuel. I …
I wish everyone I came into contact with loved me without reservation. Unfortunately, I was forced into contact with someone for many years who didn’t love me at all. This person would pick fights with me, harass me, bully me, and cause much unnecessary conflict. Though this person called themselves a “Christ follower,” this person rejected all the rudimentary doctrines of the faith. When this …
Believe it or not, agents and editors are regular people. Some more regular than others, of course; but most of us are pretty easy to approach, whether via mail or email, at writers conferences, at church, or on the street—preferably without a visible weapon. But there are some things you should never say to an agent or an editor. Not in conversation. Not in a query or one-sheet. Not in a cover …
Is email still relevant in a world of social media? If so how do you grow an email list and use it effectively? These questions and more we will be discussing with Evan Gow. Evan Gow is the founder of StoryOrigin, a community where you can meet other authors and set up cross-promotions to sell more books or build your mailing list. Questions: Is email still relevant in 2019? Why do authors …
Is email still relevant in the world of social media? If so how do you grow an email list and use it effectively? These questions and more we will be discussing with Evan Gow. Evan Gow is the founder of StoryOrigin, a community where you can meet other authors and set up cross-promotions to sell […]
You can listen to this episode 013 How to Grow Your Email List with Evan Gow on Christian …
Periodically, I like to let our readers know about some of the special things we are doing to help teach writers via The Christian Writers Institute (CWI). We love to see Christian writers learn, grow, and succeed in their craft. As part of that, CWI is offering you a chance to win a Super Bundle Giveaway. This is the biggest we have ever created! The giveaway comes with thirty-five of the best …
This is fun to watch. Imagine how hard it was to edit this piece. But even harder would have been convincing hundreds of people in other countries to participate! Hope this makes you smile today.
Heart racing. Eyes drinking the beauty of the One. An intake of breath. Unmitigated joy spurred by the nearness of the One. We need romantic emotions when considering commitment and marriage. Passionate feelings are part of God’s plan. Unfortunately, like all things good, these emotions can be misused and abused, so one selfish person can take advantage of another. Misuse is why some pastors and …