Five Guys playing one piano performing the song by One Direction called “What Makes You Beautiful.”
Five Guys playing one piano performing the song by One Direction called “What Makes You Beautiful.”
This was my second ICRS (International Christian Retail Show) as an agent with The Steve Laube Agency. Once again, the show proved to be a marathon of information, entertainment, new connections, and strengthened friendships.
On a personal note, this year marked my younger daughter's eighteenth birthday so our family devoted Sunday to her celebration. Armed with a new camera, she took many …
Authors, I’m guessing you’ve heard this question over and over: “Where do you get your ideas?” I know I’ve heard it more times than I can count. Now, if you’re like most writers I know, ideas for possible stories come fast and furious—most of the time. But what to do when you feel as though the idea well has run dusty and dry?
Well! Let me share a few standards that I, and other authors I know, …
You Might Get Sued for Using that Photo! - Bloggers beware. That photo you snagged for your blog may not be yours to use. This article is a cautionary tale. (Beware, the author writes romance novels for the general market and her book covers are prominently displayed.) Our blog uses and for nearly all our photos. The licenses cost between $1 and $4 for each …
By Steve Laube
This year’s ICRS (International Christian Retailing Show) was a great time of celebration and doing a lot of business.
First I have to celebrate with Four award winning clients!
AWSA (Advance Writers & Speakers Association) Fiction Book of the Year
Susan May Warren - Heiress (Summerside)
The Christy Awards
Ronie Kendig – Wolfsbane (Barbour) – best Contemporary …
I love visual experiences that make me want to read more. Enjoy this unique video short (six minutes) extolling the joys of discovery found in books. The last scene gave me goosebumps.
Guest Post by Sue Brower
Our guest today is Sue Brower. She is Executive Editor at Zondervan in charge of fiction and thinks she has the best job in the world…she gets paid to read all day! Zondervan is currently looking for completed manuscripts to fill the Zondervan First fiction eBook platform. The ideal stories will primarily have romance-driven plots and vivid, realistic characters. We …
Shortly after I became a book editor, I was working on a nonfiction manuscript that focused on Mormonism. When I finished editing, I ran the spell check. Imagine my reaction when the dear spell check wanted to replace every Mormon with moron and Mormonism with Moronism!
Since those long ago days, spell check has invaded countless emails, files, and text messages. As much as we appreciate it …
The Top 10 Things That Have to be Edited in a Non-fiction Manuscript - Written to the academic market but I think it has universal applications. Check your manuscript today for these ten things.
What is the Future of Publishing? - a well done article for "Forbes" magazine.
Behind the Scenes of the Pulitzer Prize for Literature - Michael Cunningham reveals why a winner was not chosen this …
Cookie Monster sings "Share it Maybe!" (You guessed it, a Sesame Street parody of the Summer's biggest pop hit sensation "Call Me Maybe".)
I vote we request that Animal do his version.