Is Apple Promoting Original Sin? – Orthodox activists in Russia are objecting to Apple’s logo depicting a bite taken out of an apple. They say the image glorifies the sins of Adam and Eve. It is important to note that in the Orthodox tradition “a person experiences the faith in the Orthodox Church through its art and symbols.”
The E-mail is Legitimate – I’ve had clients ask if the email they received from Amazon promising a rebate on e-book purchases is real or a scam. It’s real. If you bought e-books from Barnes & Noble or Apple you should be getting another letter. It is a part of a lawsuit recently settled over e-book pricing.
Perfect Your Knife Skills – If you ever want to write about a chef or the parts of a carving knife…do your research. I’ll admit to learning something by reading this short article (the “tang” of a knife).
Your Self-Published Book isn’t Selling, What Do You Do? – Ten helpful ideas from Joanna Penn.
Ten Words You Literally Don’t Know You are Using Incorrectly – A helpful self-test to remind yourself of proper word usage.
Wikipedia is as Accurate as the Encyclopedia Brittanica – This article, written in 2005, makes this claim. What do you think? Has it become as reliable as the venerable encyclopedia’s of the past?
Watch this great three minute video about Branding: