How many book characters do you count in this short video? And what are their names?
How many book characters do you count in this short video? And what are their names?
How to Pay a Ghost - Great post on how ghostwriting works.
A Noah's Ark for Books! - Brewster Kahle is storing a copy of every book ever published. Spending millions on storage and scanning. Fascinating.
Search Google by Reading Level - Refine your searches! Who knew Google could do this too?
Yet Another Supreme Court Case Concerning Book Sales - This time dealing with the "grey" market …
An appropriate caption for this cartoon could be "What every author wishes they could say to an editor."
Getting by on a Writer’s Income – Lawrence Block reflects on the challenges of the writing life. An excellent article from someone with a half a century of experience.
Microsoft Word is Dead – Tom Scocca in “Slate” makes a bold claim. I would vehemently disagree from the point-of-view of writers and editors and publishers. But he may be right when it comes to office collaborations and the …
We are quite excited to announce that our agency has a number of finalists in this year's Christy Awards. (Click here for the list of this year's finalists.) Congratulations to all finalists. Below are our clients who have been honored and a link to their publisher's site for more information on the book.
Susan May Warren - My Foolish Heart (Tyndale) - Contemporary Romance
Ronie Kendig - …
by Steve Laube
As you have heard by now the Department of Justice (DOJ) has leveled a lawsuit against Apple and five major publishers accusing them of conspiring to fix prices. There has been a lot written on the topic with varying degrees of understanding and a wide disparity of conclusions.
Authors are asking what this all means to them. And many are confused about the math involved. A …
The Rejection Letter Generator Become used to receiving rejection letters from agents and editors. Test your own mettle. Develop immunity to snarky comments! Go to this site and fill one of the seven forms. The Rejection Generator Project I guarantee you will be rejected within seconds. So much better than waiting weeks for our agency’s evaluation. Here is a sample of the rejection letter I …
Pew Research Findings on E-Reading – If you want a sense of what’s happening, read this article. Then once you’ve digested it, read Mike Shatzkin’s evaluation of the data. Together the articles may take an hour to absorb.
The Perfect Elevator Pitch for a New Job – Interesting article with applications for a writer creating the perfect pitch for their book idea
Five Best Bluetooth Headsets – …
Guest blog by Robin Lee Hatcher
Robin Lee Hatcher and I (Karen Ball) have been friends for a lot of years. One of the things I most respect about her is the respect and love she has for her readers. She doesn't write just for the sake of telling a good story. She writes to uplift and encourage her readers, to remind them they're not alone in their struggles and challenges. Robin tells …
The Spirituality of Rejection - Chris Able asks "Can rejection be good for you?"
In Case You've Been Asleep - The Harry Potter franchise is now available in ebook form on the Pottermore web site. It will be interesting to hear sales data if they are willing to share.
Twelve Blogging Mistakes to Avoid - Jeff Bullas gives great advice.
15 Twitter Hashtags That Every Writer Should Know …