The video where the original marketing plan was discussed.
Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense, but it still works!
Enjoy Jon Christ’s video channel:
The video where the original marketing plan was discussed.
Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense, but it still works!
Enjoy Jon Christ’s video channel:
Bill asked the question, “How necessary are agents in the modern publishing environment?” It depends. I have to smile when asked that question because asking an agent if agents are necessary it’s a bit obvious what the answer will be… However, there are some things that should go into your decision of whether to pursue representation or not. Goals What are your goals as a …
For those of you who love the smell of printed books, here is the chemical composition of what you are enjoying. Book nerds of the world, unite! (Link to the full size PDF is below) Link to full size version: Accompanying article is here: …
For the last ten years, since the unveiling of the Kindle reader, there has been a constant conversation about reader’s preferences. Print or Ebook? While ebook sales grew exponentially and paper sales stagnated many declared victory for the ebook. I have a number of friends who have not purchased a paper edition of a book for quite some time. Some libraries have removed all their books and gone …
A great video of a good mom training her child on how to read an editorial slush pile:
Last week at the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference Bob Hostetler came up to me and said, “Congratulations!” I looked at him blankly and said, “For what?” His smile lit up, “For being named as one of the top websites by ‘Writer’s Digest!’” Bob later showed me the May-June 2017 issue he had with him and there we were on page 39 (see below). Thank you Writer’s Digest for including us. (For …
The secret behind the New York Time Bestseller list.
I work with a ministry that self-publishes its own books. These are posted on our website, displayed at ministry-related conferences, and mentioned to donors via print and email. How can we expand our market? It depends. (For those of you following this blog regularly, I hope that made you smile.) It depends on a number of factors. In this case the question is more specific to non-fiction authors, …
Contemplate the sacrifice. Contemplate the mystery. While you contemplate, listen to this instrumental piece called “Gethsemane” from Jeff Johnson’s album “No Shadow of Turning.” A new version of the piece can be found on Jeff’s album “Thin Places” You can listen to it at this link. Then please listen to this classical song “Go to Dark …
I am an indie author. I’ve written several novels, some of which have sold well and all of which have *at least* 4.7 stars. Is there a point at which an agent would want to talk to someone like me? When/why might I consider getting an agent? Thanks to Heather for the question! A number of factors play a role in answering this question. (Are you getting tired of my “it depends” answer to all your …