Throughout our lives, a great number of “voices” compete for our attention. Family, friends, co-workers, marketers, technology, and even your pets are vying for your undivided attention.
Christians yearn to hear the voice of God in their lives and succeed because we have his words written down for all to read and hear, as well as the Holy Spirit reminding us of those words constantly.
But the enemy of our soul and life is also attempting to sway us to his way of thinking.
Cartoon depictions of a person (or animals like Sylvester, Brutus or Bugs Bunny) with a chubby little angelic figure on one shoulder and a scowling little fellow in a red suit and pitchfork on the other attempts to depict the conflict we all feel at one time or another.
Whether we pay attention to him or not, we certainly hear him calling. So, I figured, what would Satan say to a Christian author?
Regular readers of this blog know that we often have fun, get a little snarky at times and attempt some wry humor. Not today.
While I would never put words in God’s mouth other than what we find in scripture, I have no problem doing it for Satan. He lies all the time anyway, so it’s not hard to come up with material. So here they are:
Satan’s words for Christian authors
“The most important person in the world is you. No one else matters.”
“The only things holding you back are other people.”
“Only those who exalt themselves will be exalted.”
“Humility is for losers.”
“I appreciate that you are on some sort of mission or something. If you feel deeply about the goal, you might need to step on someone to push yourself higher. I have no problem with this. Neither should you.”
“You are the master of your own destiny.”
“I’ll be honest with you. If you fail at writing, it will be because other people have intentionally destroyed you. Other people are incompetent. Their weak attempts at their stupid jobs do nothing to help you achieve your goals.”
“I love the way you blew up at that editor. You really put them in their place. I am proud of you.”
“Here’s an idea…buy your own books from places who report sales to best-seller lists and you’ll appear on the lists as a best-seller. Then it will sell because of the publicity. Trust me, it works every time.”
“Publishing companies are filled with lying, greedy people who want to take advantage of you and then toss you aside.”
“If you have a problem with anyone at a publisher, try to get them fired.”
“Triangulation is the best kind of communication. Better yet, use social media to express your displeasure with someone. It’s one of my favorite things.”
“If you are afraid to fight for what you want, don’t be an author.”
“Ignore critics. They are just trying to bring you down.”
“It is about the money. The amount you make is the only true measure of success. Make sure you tell people how much money you make.”
“Give it up. You are a failure.”
Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ “ Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. (Matthew 4:10-11, NIV)