While teaching about writing and publishing I have, on occasion, asked the question, “Would you buy your own book if you saw it on a shelf but didn’t know who you were?” I’m met with a variety of reactions. Laughter. Pensiveness. Surprise. And even a few scowls.
The question is meant to provoke you into describing why your book idea is unique. Why it will stand out among the noise of the competition.
It is unfair to ask the author this question, of course. I assume you would buy your own book. There is no one who knows your book better than you. But that isn’t what I’m asking.
It is not a question of whether your book is important or valuable or even well written. Don’t hear it that way. It is actually a question of commercial viability.
The greatest problem of today’s writer is obscurity. The industry uses the word discoverability to describe how a book can be discovered. You may have heard that ebook piracy can be a problem for writers. But if no one knows about your book no one will steal it–and no one will buy it either!
This is why the competitive analysis portion of your book proposal is so important. Help the agent help the publisher create space on the physical or virtual shelf. Help them position your book, so it rises from obscurity into viability. With thousands of new books appearing online every day, there must be something that makes yours interesting.
Imagine you are standing in a physical bookstore. (I know it’s hard to imagine, but play along.) Go to your favorite section of the store. Now lightly run your finger along the spine of the various books shelved there. What makes you stop and pull that one down to look at it. The author? The title? The color? The binding? What magic is in that moment for you as the consumer. Then ask, “Why did I just do that?”
Would you buy your book if it wasn’t written by you?
This can be as “simple” as a dynamite title. Or it could be a strong platform that stands out in the crowd. Or the skill in the writing is so amazing that the book creates word-of-mouth buzz that spreads throughout the world.
You know the question is coming, so prepare your answer. Would you buy your own book if it was on the “shelf” next to an über-famous author on the same topic or in the same genre?
[An earlier version of this post ran in November 2011.]
Deb, I was intrigued to see your post because my new book, “Falling in October” is about finding love again in midlife. It is not fiction, but has some very romantic elements. I’d be interested to hear more about your book.
That I might consider a book,
two factors stand out, vital,
that call me to a longer look;
they are content led by title.
I read for subject matter now
and not for “Hmm, why not?”
So author, wise titling’s how
to use the chance you’ve got.
Then I will peruse the writing
but I’m not a snob of words.
As long as it’s fair-made, inviting
and I can feel the clash of swords.
Just say by title what you’ll deliver;
that’s the sharpest arrow in your quiver.
Ah, the limitations of the sonnet…here’s a quatrain that I wanted to use, having just seen the film version of ‘First Man’ and having been disappointed that it did not deliver on its promise…but it just didn’t fit.
I way hyped to see ‘First Man’
and the journey into Space,
but for too long they wouldn’t pan
from Ryan Gosling’s face.
And if you’re not famous (which means you and me), you need a dynamite title, a dynamite book cover, dynamite writing, competitive pricing, and a solid platform to launch from.
No rocket reaches space without a solid platform to start on.
Great questions to ask ourselves, Steve. In these online shopping days, cover (which includes title) counts most. If it ain’t good clickbait, it ain’t gonna sell. That’s true whether indie or traditional. More than 90% of indie sales will be online, but even a traditional author trying to go head to head on bookstore shelves needs that cover to make someone want to pick it up. And the visual displays on your online platform also need that hook-em-fast, hook-em-hard quality cover.
Would I buy my own books if I saw the covers? I’d at least check out the description to see if I might want to. Then I might sample the first chapter (there’s that writing skill factor).
But discoverability will always be an issue for a newer writer and, as Brennan said, without platform it won’t launch well. I have people waiting for the next one now, but for the first one I certainly didn’t. But how does an author develop an effective platform for selling books even before they have a book to sell? One that will impress traditional publishers enough to take a chance on you?
Thanks to a comment here on platforms for author hopefuls, I started a Roman history site that I can let teachers and homeschoolers know about. Most of my sales are probably to those folks, who are naturally readers of Christian historical fiction. And with >30K visitors from all over the world last year and on the order of 1% clicking on my covers in the sidebar, I can explain most of my international sales. But very few have books that lend themselves to that kind of platform, so what do you recommend the typical writer of Christian fiction should focus on for platform development prepublication?
I am in a deep state of Confusion, PERHAPS you can help Me please. Europe Books sent my 3 page children’s book to their editorial staff in less than 3 weeks after I SUBMITTED it . It was lacking in 30 thousand characters. They however thanked me for selecting them & after a brief scolding on not sending 32000 thousand characters or more they anyway submitted to their editors. On December 21st I got an editor from Italy requesting my complete book & Illustration’s. I gave them info on the 7 book series & said I had over 150 characters & over 20 years worth 320 ARTISTIC Gallery works to Open 2 galleries for children all over the world based on My books with Disney quality Art & Characters with Gallery SCULPTURAL works. I got a response from my Editor beginning with; Dear Zuran …can you please send us the complete book & art. It seems interesting, we would like to make a proposal & must have the complete book….I did research on EUROPE BOOKS & it was extremely difficult. Then I saw : Writer Beware on EUROPE BOOKS By Victoria Strauss. She discovered – stated they are Vanity publisher’s that brag about books they have not published & ask that you buy at LEAST 200 of your own books with no discount & do NOT TELL YOU THIS UP FRONT but after they agree to publish you. Can you help me please….& Examine this . I am new to it. Europe Books wants to offer me a proposal.. ? My question is .. do /can proposals tell you to buy your own books first. ,? I feel confused. & Taken aback ….this is a lifelong dream & these LAST 3 years have been extremely difficult. 🍃Thank you so much. Sincerely yours. Brigitte Zuran