45 Ways to Blog as a Novelist - Do you have blogger's block? Here are some great tips for finding stuff to blog about.
Why You Are Receiving Rejections - Nathan Bransford weighs in and is both simple and profound.
Read Your Old Tweets - If you are an aggressive tweeter you're stymied if you want to review your archives. The linked tool is an amazing way to pull them all into one document for …
by Steve Laube
The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs (published by Oxford in June 2011) is this month's "Book of the Month." I recommend you pick up a copy and enjoy the experience for yourself.
It seems a little odd to read a book about reading. But for those of us who are in the "business" of creating books it is always interesting to read a wise person's take on …
Shakespeare as you've never heard it before! A bit less than four minutes of utter genius.
The Publishers Who Lost the Most When Border's Closed - The next time you criticize "traditional publishers" for their seemingly high prices and slow adoption of new technology, remember this list. Penguin/Putnam lost $41 million when Borders went bankrupt. Ouch.
Twenty-five Rejection Proof Markets - A clever article by James Watkins. I like #24. Proof that I can remain rejection …
Hold on to your wallets! This video will make you want to search the Internet to buy your own set.
Winnie the Pooh's Cultural Dominance - A great slide show of the history of A.A. Milne's character growing into a phenomenon. Did you know he sold the rights to Pooh in 1931 for $1,000 and a % of licensing fees? Today the licensing generates $5.6 billion in annual revenue. Wow.
Free Magazine on Writing - The July issue of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA).
Agent Andrew …
by Steve Laube
Last week was the 2011 International Christian Retailing Show (ICRS) in Atlanta, Georgia. Tamela Hancock Murray and I had a busy time. Statistics released declared that professional attendance was up 9.7% to 1,748, primarily representing buyers. Total attendance was up 5.83% to 4,918. International attendance was up 16.17% to 431 attendees from 61 countries.
Congratulations to Kathi Macias, author of Red Ink (New Hope Publishers) for being given the 2011 Golden Scroll book award for Novel of the Year presented by the Advance Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA). This is a tremendous honor.
We are also thrilled to announce that seven of our agency's clients have been named as finalists for the Carol Award presented by the …
"Book Report" by the Peanuts crew. (five and one half minutes long)
When you are stuck with writer's block, watch this video and let the creativity begin!