My husband and I recently attended a ceremony for a milestone event, after which we felt depressed for several days. The memory still leaves us despondent. Why? Because no one invited the Lord. No one mentioned Him in any way, shape, or form.
I waited helplessly to hear His name. Luke 17:27 rang unbidden in my mind:
They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all (KJV).
My father-in-law, a pastor, defined hell as “separation from God.” According to that characterization, despite being indwelt with the Holy Spirit, as Christians, this separation is why we felt depressed.
The event caused me to remember how grateful I am to be part of a profession with the primary purpose of edifying other Christians and helping everyone from seekers to those mature in the faith along the way. I am proud of the books the Christian publishing industry produces. Though my service and participation are never a perfect offering, I perpetually seek God’s will for my life.
For those who do not grow up with the knowledge and admonition of the Lord, and for those who choose to ignore Him, I pray that they will find their way into His loving arms. Perhaps one or more of our books will be part of that change for these precious souls.
Regardless of your role in Christian publishing, thank you for choosing to serve Christ. To God be the glory.