How to Pitch Your Book at a Writers Conference with Bob Hostetler
You can listen to this episode 031 How to Pitch Your Book at a Writers’ Conference with Bob Hostetler on Christian Publishing Show.
How to Pitch Your Book at a Writers Conference with Bob Hostetler
You can listen to this episode 031 How to Pitch Your Book at a Writers’ Conference with Bob Hostetler on Christian Publishing Show.
Despite the desire of many to declare the death of the book, they continue to sell at a breathtaking pace. (New Yorker magazine “Twilight of the Books” and BBC future – “Are paper books really disappearing?”) According to the “Association of American Publishers’ StatShot Annual Report for Calendar Year 2018,” book publishers based in the U.S. had …
You simply have to watch and listen to this video to grasp its genius. You will have to be watching to follow the lyrics. Of course, the music is now repeating in my mind on an endless loop! From the copyright notes: A biblical and ancient Near-Eastern-studies–themed parody of “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General” from The Pirates of Penzance. Lyrics, musical arrangement, and …
So, you sent me your latest proposal and received a rejection from my assistant. A week later, I post a blog that seems to be talking about your submission. So, did your proposal prompt that blog post? Maybe. But consider: If the post appears a few days after we interact, you weren’t the one. Most of my posts are written weeks in advance. If your interaction with my office prompted my post, don’t …
Believe it or not, agents and editors are people too. In my experience, at least. They’re not mean or grumpy—most of them. They’re not lying in wait for a chance to dash a writer’s dreams. They don’t enjoy saying no. They’re mostly a good sort. They like to be liked. And they truly appreciate and will often remember a few small things that writers do, whether in an email, in an appointment, or …
Is independent publishing for you? Find out as we talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of indie publishing. But first, some background: I am an indie author. Worked with some very successful and profitable indie authors over the last 10 years. Also worked with a lot of indie authors who were frustrated and disillusioned. Bottom line: I am not a partisan in the indie vs trad battle. I see …
Pros and Cons of Indie Publishing
You can listen to this episode 030 Pros and Cons of Indie Publishing on Christian Publishing Show.
A writer asked me, “What does the average book sell? An industry veteran at a writers conference recently said 5,000. What??? I know it all depends …. but … nowhere near 5,000, right?” My simple answer? It’s complicated. It depends. Average is a difficult thing to define. Each publishing company defines success differently. If a novel sells 5,000 copies at one publisher, …
Today is the first official day of Summer (June 21), so while you are basking in the warmth of the day, please enjoy this video of a woman who is passionate about grammar. Before watching, try not to laugh at this grammar joke. Did you hear the one about the pregnant woman who went into labor and started shouting, “Couldn’t! Wouldn’t! Shouldn’t! Didn’t! Can’t!”? She was having contractions.
Recently, I had the chance to shop in a clothing store in Europe. Basking in novelty, I noted that my observations sharpened. Reading the names of the designers as I passed, I realized I didn’t know many of them. Not that I’m exceptionally knowledgeable about designers, but I have a good idea about fashion visions from many stocked in my haunts back in the States. I dismissed well-crafted, …