It has begun – The Welcome Assault on Costly Textbooks– But is this the best way to do it? Free online publisher-quality textbooks for five of the country’s most-attended college courses. Funded by big charitable organizations like The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It could change the economic future of some major textbook publishers. I fear the homogenization of Education or the control of what is taught in college Biology class, just because it is free.
Pinterest Boards for Book Lovers – Ten places to try out the latest social network phenomenon.
Five Ways to Maximize the New Changes on Facebook – Confused by yet another change to Facebook? This should help.
Is Self-Publishing a Ponzi Scheme? – Richard Curtis, as usual, is brilliant and insightful. Do think this is out of line? or cutting close to the truth?
Is it Time to Bundle the E-book with the Physical Book in Online Sales? – I asked this question of Hachette 2 1/2 years ago during a Digital Initiatives presentation and was told no. Dennis Johnson of Melville House Publishers discussed the issue with great insight.
Lady Solves Wheel-of-Fortune Puzzle with One Letter – This article shows that it wasn’t luck but years of study and preparation. Sort of like someone thinking they can just sit down and write a whole book in a weekend. It’s easy!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I think it’s a stretch to call self-publishing a Ponzi scheme. Will the hype die down and self-publishing decline in the future? Probably. But a lot of the people who are self-publishing are the same people who have been spending so much time submitting their work to agents with no takers. I don’t see that they are worse off by self-publishing their work than they are sending in queries with no results.
The Valentine’s Day graphic is interesting. 80% of women believe they’ve received a gift with no thought behind it. 61% of men have given a thoughtless gift. That means that 20% of the women are upset with their husbands without cause.