An impossible Rube Goldberg machine…
Does Google Like Your Web Site?
In case you missed it, on April 21st Google changed how they rank web site searches. If a site is not “mobile-friendly” it will no longer be ranked higher than one that is “mobile-friendly.” Some were calling this “mobilegeddon” because of the impact it would have. What Does Mobile-Friendly Mean? This refers to whether or not your site is optimized for a smart-phone screen. Sites that have what is …
Happy Birthday iTunes Store! Thanks for the Warning…
Twelve years ago this week (April 28, 2003) Apple announced the launch of a new way to buy digital music. The iTunes Store. (Click for the original press release.) It started with 200,000 songs available for purchase. (Today there are more than 26 million songs available for sale.) The iTunes software had been introduced a couple years earlier, but now it became a commercial venture. A place where …
Fun Fridays – April 24, 2015
The ultimate penguin gear. Hope it brings a smile to your day. [Click here if the sweater design is unclear.]
Fun Fridays – April 17, 2015
Laugh along with this author who has just received word of her first contract! Of course the author only does this after they hang up the phone with their agent.
How Do You Know What Will (or Will Not) Sell?
There is a mysterious magic embedded in the mythos of the publishing industry…the ability to pick successful books. I was recently asked “You say ‘no’ so often, how do you know when to say ‘yes?’” I wish I could claim that every agent and publisher have a secret formula that we consult to know what will sell. Ask any group of us for that secret and we will all laugh because there is no “secret.” …
Fun Friday – April 10, 2015
Ever wondered what it is like to open the box containing your first published book? Sarah E. Morin, a first-time author with Enclave Publishing, received her books two days ago. Enjoy her wonderfully creative video of the experience! And then go buy her amazing novel, Waking Beauty.
A 40 Day Experience with Music
Last year I tried a musical experiment during the days of Lent (I wrote about it here). This year I attempted to do something similar. My musical choice was the “Suites for Keyboard” by George Frederic Handel. We are most familiar with Handel because of his famous “Messiah” oratorio. I did not realize that he also composed solo pieces for the keyboard. I am glad to have learned …
4 Conference Success Secrets
I have been on the faculty of more than 150 writers conferences over the years. Some might say that is the definition of insanity… !?! But I would not be where I am today if it were not for the fine people I have met over the years at those events. I am a firm believer in the purpose behind a writers conference and what can be accomplished. After a while it became clear which writers were going to …