Try this Honda Speed Reading Test. (Then try the one below it and you will be reading at 500 words per minute.)
Try this Honda Speed Reading Test. (Then try the one below it and you will be reading at 500 words per minute.)
Last week we discussed the details of the Family Christian Stores (FCS) Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. Since then I have spoken to numerous publishers and both industry and outside experts. Much new information has surfaced. What I’m writing here is based on those conversations and on a number of public news reports. Who is Going to Get Paid? FCS owes more than $40 million in unpaid …
I want to shop at this specific store (Owosso, Michigan – store #2772). They make me want to build something! HT: Dick Malone
In case you missed it, last week the Family Christian Stores chain declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. (See this link for their press release.) This is newsworthy because Family Christian Stores (FCS) is the largest Christian store chain in the country (when counting number of locations, not necessarily sales revenue), 266 stores in 36 states. In 2014 the chain did $230 million dollars in …
We are having some absolutely gorgeous weather here in Phoenix this week. But according to this weather report a week ago Tuesday (Jan. 27th) it looked like Summer may have already arrived. Yes, it can get hot in Phoenix, but not sure it has ever been quite this bad… (the places he mentions are all suburbs of Phoenix).
In honor of our countrymen buried by snow this past week…three videos taken from your “favorite” movie musical… FROZEN! First is a brilliant acapella medley with two incredible voices… The second is the Star Wars parody version of the song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” And to top them all… A school …
Cats and books. Ne’er the twain shall c0-exist without conflict.
Three cheers for these students from Mount Desert Island High School! We too are “All about those books.”
Another year has passed. Another year full of thrills, chills, and bills. Like in past years (2013, 2012, 2011, 2009) I’d like to take a look at what has transpired and put things in perspective. The Agency Another stellar year for our agency. We finished with nearly 100 new contracts which include over 150 future books. It is exciting to note that eleven of those contracts were for debut …
An appropriate and beautiful song for the day after Christmas!