How to Write Cinematic with Deborah Raney
You can listen to this episode How to Write Cinematically with Deborah Raney on Christian Publishing Show.
How to Write Cinematic with Deborah Raney
You can listen to this episode How to Write Cinematically with Deborah Raney on Christian Publishing Show.
Choosing the name of a character in your novel is a bit like reading the book Where’s Waldo? You can search forever and never find just the right one. Creativity You want to be creative, but not too creative. You say, “It has to fit the person in the book.” That is a huge weight to place on your character. And what if you need to change the name later? Can’t Remind Me of …
How to Ruin a Book Title with One Word Evidently, I am a fan of puns. I came across a fun exercise that played at changing one word or adding one word to a well-known title–and made it something quite different. I’ll start with some general-market titles and then shift to those found in the Christian market. Be sure to add your creative efforts in the comments below. To Cook a …
A reader asked me to write on handling criticism, hence this blog post today. I’m fond of saying that if you want to find out who your friends are, throw (or be the star of) a bridal or baby shower. People you think won’t respond will come through amazingly, while a couple of people you were sure would come through remarkably won’t bother to send an RSVP. Likewise, through my involvement in …
Most holy and merciful Father: I confess that I have sinned by my own fault in thought, word, and deed; by what I have done, and by what I have left undone. I have not loved you with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. I have let the idea of being a writer distract me from devotion to you. I have made myself busier with words than with your Word. I have been consumed by my writing plans and …
Every year, millions of people set out to write a memoir; and every year, most of them fail. Memoirs are hard to write and even harder to sell to publishers and readers. And yet, every year, millions of readers buy and read memoirs. So how do you write a memoir worth reading? To help answer that question, we will be talking with a New York Times bestselling author who has helped write a number of …
Every year, millions of people set out to write a memoir; and every year, most of them fail. Memoirs are hard to write and even harder to sell to publishers and readers. And yet, every year, millions of readers buy and read memoirs. So how do you write a memoir worth reading? To help answer […]
You can listen to this episode How to Write a Memoir with Susy Flory on Christian Publishing Show.
The above doomy headline is intended to catch your attention. However, it is merely a reflection of a report released on February 19 by the Authors Guild called “The Profession of Author in the 21st Century,” written by Christine Larson, Ph.D., an assistant professor of journalism at the University of Colorado. (You can read the full report here.) She wrote, “The days of authors supporting …
Happy Leap Day! Since this is an “extra” day I thought I’d provide a couple bits of trivia for you. Did you know? … When you open a physical book you have two pages. The left and the right. Those pages actually have names! verso and recto. Verso is the left hand page and Recto is the right hand page. This is commonly talked about in publishing production when communicating …
Language is a fascinating subject to study. The below infographic “50+ Fascinating Language Facts You Didn’t Know” is from (Click through to see a larger form of the graphic.) Isn’t it amazing that the Hawaiian language has 200 different words for rain? (Here is an article discussing it.) Enjoy! via takelessons