I thought this video was perfect for Valentine’s Day.
The love these men exhibit by accompanying their wives to their local Target is inspiring. (LOL!!!)
Enjoy the satire and hilarity.
And happy Valentine’s Day.
I thought this video was perfect for Valentine’s Day.
The love these men exhibit by accompanying their wives to their local Target is inspiring. (LOL!!!)
Enjoy the satire and hilarity.
And happy Valentine’s Day.
One of the worst mistakes writers can make is being too possessive of their words. They fight for each adjective, adverb, and conversation tag.
My early writing suffered from too many words. I once wrote an artist didn’t “really” understand the difficulties of making a living in his profession. The editor kindly cut all instances of “really,” “just,” “so,” “very,” and other weak words …
Nobody likes to be rejected. Not middle-school dance attenders. Not job applicants. And definitely not writers. Unfortunately, however, rejection pretty much comes with the territory for writers—at least for writers who are brave enough to submit their work to agents or editors for publication. And it hurts. Every. Single. Time. Take it from me, I know. I’ve been rejected hundreds of times, and …
As authors, it is easy to get destination fever, where we are so focused on the destination that we fail to enjoy the journey. What does it mean to be a success as a Christian author? Should we measure ourselves the same way secular authors measure themselves? To help us answer this question, we will be talking with the bestselling and Christy hall-of-fame author James L. Rubart. Links: 7 …
As authors, it is easy to get destination fever, where we are so focused on the destination that we fail to enjoy the journey. What does it mean to be a success as a Christian author? Should we measure ourselves the same way secular authors measure themselves? To help us answer this question, we will be talking with the bestselling and Christy hall-of-fame author James L. Rubart. Links: 7 …
Before I became a literary agent I had no idea how much energy this profession spent being a “collections agent.” Recently someone asked us the following questions (use the green button to the right to ask your question!):
What do you do, as an agent, when a publisher does not pay advances on royalties on time as per their legal contract?
What if a publisher is consistently late (months) saying …
Be prepared for a jaw-dropping video. This is someone who follows their passion. I did think of a comparison to all writers. If each matchstick were a word, then 7.5 million words in 40 years is quite a few books. I suspect some of you have written that many. But are they masterpieces like in this video? Enjoy.
A senior in college wrote to me asking for career advice in publishing. Perhaps a few thoughts I shared then might be of help to you. __________ As your letter indicates, publishing offers many options. The ones you are focused on, rightly, are finding employment with a traditional publishing house, preferably one of the Big Five, and writing books. Many publishing professionals pursue this path …
In a recent media interview (yes, I am that cool), I was asked if as a literary agent I liked saying “no.” I answered emphatically—even a bit rudely, I’m afraid, as I started my answer before my questioner finished asking. “I hate it,” I said. It’s a part of the job. In fact, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named sometimes answers the question, “Steve Laube, what do you do?” by saying, “I say no …
Do you feel like a charlatan and that everyone might find out you have no idea what you are talking about? Here is the crazy thing: There is a chance it’s true. You may be an impostor. It may also be a lie. Dunning–Kruger Effect This effect is often described with a story about McArthur Wheeler, who robbed banks while his face was covered with lemon juice. He believed the lemon …